
Title: melbourne-oz-21-10-01
Author: Luca "Luca/Tzizvvt" Costanzo
Date: Oct 26, 2001

So, Terry ran another one of his 2-in-1 tournaments. First was 4 games of 45 card E1, followed by 4 games open. I was going to play in the E1, but I haven’t gotten any coruscant yet, and decided that I couldn’t be bothered scabbing cards ... even if it led to a shinier, more efficient Maul. So, I figured if it’s the last tournament before R3, I’ll play some decks that big D made hosers for.

Light: WYS, Luca style
Dark: Hunt Down, Racing Odds style (gonna cancel all my inserts, suspend box and reduce race damage from the start of the game? Not yet, you ain’t)

Game 1 Dark v Ronnie Wilcox (WYS racing)

So I’m thinking "great ... tough matchup and a tough player." I started Allegations of Corruption instead of the Box, he started with SAA. Allegations snagged his first Control/TV, SAA grabbed 3P0. I had HoloNet in my starting hand, which was good because I wouldn’t have to MM for it. I think that I got Palpatine to the pub first turn as well as stalling Anakin’s Racer and cancelling TT with Holonet. Booyah. Ronnie had sweet FA to do, so he picked up. We raced on my next turn and I drew up some. Ronnie dropped Dash in Outrider to Kessel. I deployed Tech M’or, odds and Battle Order/First Strike. Ronnie wasn’t activating much, so it seemed to really bother him. Vader hit the pub, I dropped IAO/Secret Plans and won the race. Odds popped and apparently Hunt Down can do a lot of damage, or something, so I won.

FW 2(+23)

The Good: Allegations of Corruption is cool.
The Bad: Not much. Got Stepped Backwards a few times, but I managed to win the race.
The Ugly: I used Podracer Collision to place both of Ronnie’s A Jedi’s Resilience out of play, as well as foil A Few Manoeuvres and A Stu Manouevres (that was game, right there). Ronnie looked at them and said "Hey, aren’t I supposed to do that?"

Game Two Dark v Cody Ky (Senate)

Cody thought that we were playing 8 games of E1 today, so he had to scramble to make his dark deck standard. He had all of the stuff that he needed, though, so it was no real biggie. Cody started playing a bit back, but doesn’t make it to tournaments a lot. In spite of that, he’s a great player and just keeps on improving.

In the words of Hayes Hunter "WYS doesn’t lose to senate, as far as I’m aware."

What? You want details? Ok. Maul came down early and got disposed of. Cody fished up Bus, Zuckuss and Lateral Damage and dropped them all in one turn against Cpt Han alone in his ship. I played It Can Wait on Zuckuss. Bus died. Zuckuss got deployed for free, then landed. I killed Zuckuss. Executor came down. It Can Wait. My ships went to Tat. Executor came down. I barriered. I beatdown for lots and Cody Ghhhk’d. I considered wiping out the senate with smugs, seeing as there was no guard, but couldn’t be bothered.

FW 2 (+28)
4 (+51)

The Good: It’s WYS. It’s broken.
The Bad: What’s not to like?
The Ugly: Remember when the Executor used to be amazing? You’d just throw it down to a system with like Evax and Ozzel on board and that would be it for the rest of the game? Those were the days ...

Game 3 Dark v Lee Pullen (Old-School TRM)

So, I’m thinking "Mmmm ... bad matchup". Lee started with CP/Swamp/Farm and Anakin’s Racer. I figure, might as well start the box. How much racing can he be playing, right? So second turn, Boushh came down to the Holotheatre to cancel Visage. Eew. I dropped Palpatine to the Med Chamber for some activation. Lee dropped Goo Nee Tay. Eew. Lee played We Wish To Board Immediately to grab A Step Backwards. Eew. I saw some A Jedi’s Resilience floating around, so he’s playing anti-duelling as well. Eew. Jar Jar came down to Palpatine, but I was thinking, so I just fry the biatch and that’s it. I missed. Eew. Epp Luke and Epp Han beat on Palpatine for 10. Eew. Lee lost Han. CHYBC was the last card that I lost. Eew.

I save up a few to drop Vader. Lee played Frozen Assets. Eew. I dropped Palpatine to the Podrace Arena. Lee continued to drain me at both of my Executor sites. Eew. We raced and Lee got to 26, me at 25. Eew. Someone’s gonna lose a lot of force ...


So, like, I dropped Vader with stick to Luke and Jar Jar, Odds, Crossed Luke to the dark side, beat on Jar Jar for lots, odds popped, I played Collision and won the race.

FW 2(+20)
6 (+71)

The Good: It was a great game.
The Bad: Vader destroying everything.
The Ugly: Missing a force lightning ... in hunt down racing ... eew :P

Game 4 Light v Terry Lyons (Agents, Adam Amy style)

Terry had actually borrowed the deck off Adam, btw. It’s got a good track record, losing one game (I think) out of both States and Continentals (including finals). Adam also beat me with it by 2 or so in the last tournament when I was playing EBO Racing.

I got rid of Xizor early, but he came back. I decided to hit Kessel and get some drains in. I also put Luke to the pub to flip Terry back. IG came down to the pub and got barriered. Luke ran away. Fett came down and got It Can Waited. Luke ran away. I figger, if Adam can always Hidden Weapons and win the game, there’s no reason Terry can’t.

Luke got into a craft so he couldn’t be shot at. Dengar came down. Does it never end? Barrier (tracking is good, boys and girls). So, like I cancel Scum with a few schmoes, set up some ITTL enhanced drains and win (had to concentrate on keeping Luke alive, so I couldn’t afford to go around and stop all of the bleeding, so the diff was pathetic).

FW 2(+12)

The Good: Won against a proven tough deck.
The Bad: I’m going to miss this deck after R3. Hayes Hunter thinks it can still work ... we’ll see. At least it’s got a perfect record.
The Ugly: Playing with my brain in the off position all today.

So I won the tournament and that’s all good. Terry also entered the results straight away, so I finally broke the 1900 barrier and am now second in Australia! Huge. (First is Joz, who’s retired, btw). I’ve got a foil Insurrection, if anyone’s interested ...


Lee for lending me the ITTLs, winning the E1 and playing cool decks.
Cody for building decks like a madman at the last minute to play.
Ronnie for jumping out of the constant haze around his brain for long enough to win some games.
Jessica Alba for making Thursday night TV watchable.
Leigh for playing more Maul Strikes than is healthy.
Terry for updating my ratings.


Adam for forgetting my friggin ITTLs (no way out of it, dude).
Decipher for STILL not having combined both of my ratings ... boy are people annoyed at them!
People who didn’t turn up.
That guy with no head who just won’t shut up.
