
Title: kashyyyk-in-virginia-beach-part-ii
Author: Jeremy "JerUNH" Oakes
Date: Nov 26, 2001


Friday - The room stinks like a$$. I’m up and awake at 7:30 am cause I have to change my decks! I should have done it last night but i was too buzzed & tired. Anyway I go downstairs and meet up with Baroni. I ask him about my decks and gives me a couple tips. I change a few cards in both my decks and I proceed to fill out Deck Lists. I finsish and go hand them in Only to be called back cause there are problems with my list. This royally pissed me off. I wrote down "4-Lom w/Gun" and "Tat DB" and other such abbreviations. Apparently you have to spell out the ENTIRE name of the card on your deck list. This is dumb because I have never had to do this at any other conventions before.Anyway I fix it and I meet up with the rest of the Kashyyyk Klan. After impatiently waiting for 5 minutes me and Geminem decided to hit the restaurant they have in teh hotel for a quick bite to eat for breakfast. WHile Eating we decide to play a round (best of 3) of Hardcore. I win the first 2 Games and the first round of Day 1 is starting.

Day-1 I did so bad... so Here is a quick summary. I LOST! I played a bunch of nameless scrubs and went 1-5 then dropped out. The only person I beat was a 1300 local scrub. Dark went 1-2 Beating a WYS and losing to Combat x2. My Light Went 0-3 losing to Watto, Huntdown, and Combat.

My worst loss was to Charles Hickeys Watto deck. He raped me liek there was no Tomorrow. He gets First Turn Flip with Maul & Ship to the system w/ occupation and Seach and Destroy. My only hope was that I got Lost in teh Wilderness in my opening hand. The only problem is that He would not drain me at wattos house. The entire gameshe is draing and occupying whiel makeing me lose cards withe objective because I am trying use force to deploy to kill watto adnMaul... or use 8 Force to put watto in the used pile (which he came right back) so It wa spointless. there was nothing I could do. I thik I lost tha game by 42. DAMN!

I dropped after Game 6 so taht I could enter into another Tourney that was being run and hopefully I would get to play soem better players and get a win out of it. So I use the same decks.

Game 1 LS vs Steve Brentson (2039) Watto
After the earlier raping from Hickey, I was not looking forward to this game. Steve Comes out First Turn Flip and makes me lose a force. I begin drawing anxousy looking for Luke & Saber to begin my Drain Game as well as Lost in the wilderness. Well I didnt fin lost In the wilderness in Time. I lost it to Watto off the top of my deck. I couldnt get any characters with weapons to kill Watto and evrything was being lost off the top of the deck because I couldnt draw it up. GRRR. I gues sit wa spoor planning on my part tpo lose from the top. I eventually get a crew up to Tatooine to try and kill Maul Maul but he keeps cloaking. So I am no use at tatooine. I head over to Kessel for the drain. I stay there draining for teh rest of the game. I lose all 3 Lukes from the top of my deck.I cant get ANYTHING going and I lose the drain race.
Full Loss by 23

Game Highs
- None
Game Lows
- Having to play another player that I always play

Game 2 DS vs Scott Lingrell (1931) RST Boom racer
Now this game was a confidence booster. After playing lousy ALL day long, I play Scott and I do everything EXACTLY as I am supposed to. I start off by losing the race which wasnt very much, so I lose my 6 force adn scott retrieves his 6. BuT in the process of this I Get Mara & Palpy down to teh Rebel Landing site So he has problems getting characters down. He comes down with 3 Scouts and EPP Han and tries to beatdown. I force lightning one of his Characters, Hit another with Mara’s Stick, and I drew a 6 for Destiny. He Misses Mara and draws a 0 for destiny.I win by a few and I clear the site except for 1 scout who moves away. He backs that scout up with another scout and I come down with EPP Vader & Xizor and Battle and make him lose a lot of force and I drain at Naboo: generator and Endor: Back door for the rest of teh game...
Full Win by 17

Game Highs
- beating a well ranked player
Game Lows
- beating a fellow sqaudron member & friend.

After this game I am informed that Day-1 is over and that Steve Baroni has advanced to Day-2. Everyone also expressed their hunger to me so I decide to drop again and go out to IHOP again! IHOP is King! So myself, Andy klema, Steve Baroni, Matt Berta, Geminem, Ben, and Brian Cszienski all head out to meet up with Hayes Hunter, Tim guzman, and another Vegas dude. After we all enjoy our scrumptious Pancakes and our Delicious ommlettes we are hanging around and the waiter comes around and collects the bill taht we have sitting on the side of the side of teh table and Takes care of ringing us out. So We head out, and on our way out of teh parking lot a Rent-A-Cop runs out of IHOP and stops us. HE is yelling for us to come back in and pay our bill. I was like WTF yo?! So we start to turn around and the IHOP manager runs outside and says everything is ok and tell us that we can go. I was a little pissed but hey, if Its a Rent-A-Cop and they arent even smart enough to count out exact change. Anyway We go back to the hotel and I find Hayes in the room talking tech with Chris Prskac and Alex Tennet. I spend an hour downstairs just hanging out and buls1tting w/ everyone. I head to bed pretty early.

Saturday - 9:30 Am i wake up to find Justin downstairs with his decks hoping to get into Day2 As an alternate. No such luck. We just hangin around talkin about what we’ll will show for Day-2 and who think will make the top-8. Baroni Shows up with his decks and decklists. We BS some more and eventually the pairings for Round 1 are announced and I decide that its time for lunch. Our crew (everyone not involved in Day-2) heads out to Wendys. Twas pretty uneventful except there were mad hot chics piggin out at there. On our way back from Wendys I pull out of the parking lot, and I start driving the wrong way down a One Way street (What a dumb arse). This really freaked me out. I had no idea what I was doing. So I pull over a pull a U-Turn in the middle of the street and a car comes cruising by and almost kills us. After we get back, I end up feeling "Not So Well" from Wendys and I keep to myself for most of the day. I end up fixing and teching out my Dark Combat deck against LS Combat. I realized that I need to
totally revamp my Combat deck to include some 7’s. My deck is an auto-loss against LS Combat. I think i may go with Baragwins and such. I periodically poked my head downsatirs to see how everybody is doing. Hayes, Bastian, and Scott Lingrell all make the Top 8. (They were the 3 I was rooting for). Was a cool deal except I couldnt stay awake any longer and I need to get up early the next morning for the trek home. Hi-ho hi-ho its off to bed I go! (God, I’m so lame!)

Early Sunday Morning - 6:30 am my alarm goes off. Hayes sits up and says "We JUST went to bed 5 minutes ago! LITERALLY! And, the new World Champion is in this room and its not me." I congratulate Bastian and realize I am still so FREAKIN tired. I shouldnt have stayed up till 1am (I normally sleep 10pm - 7am). So I am a few hours short on sleep, and I hit the shower. i feel pretty good after the shower and I head up to the Eigth floor to wake Andy and Steebo because I am giving them rides. I go up there and there is no answer at the door. I head downstairs to see if they could still possibly be up. When I get down there I see 2 bodies lying dead on the floor of the Convention room. i need not say that they were Andy and Steebo. Jsutin and Geminem were also teher playing pickup games. Justin told me taht he just woke up after falling asleep during the final confrontation. I wake Steve up and I have to kick andy a few times before he wakes up. they head upstairs and gather their stuff.7:15 am we are out the door! 20 minutes down the road I drop Steve off at Norfolk International Airport. Andy and I continue through the sticks of Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania for a Totally uneventful trip. I drop Andy off and Head back to Connecticut. This ride sucked balls. I got stuck on the GW again. Home by 6:00 pm. I bring the bags in and Hit the sack! I needed plenty of rest for work the next day.

Summary -
This was the best DAMN con I have ever been to. I played some of my BEST and WORST games ever. Overall, If I had the oppurtunity to do it again I wouldnt think twice about it! I would definatly do it again! See y’all at the next Con!

Props -
Andy Klema - He deserves it (and cause he asked for it)
for helping me to tech my decks out! IHOP is

Michael Gemme - Another cool dude who plays an awesome
game of Hardcore!

Steebo - For providing me with some good laughs while he
was drunk... And for being cool when I beat him
in Last Man Standing.

Justin Desai - For clearing up the confusing things that
Ben said all weekend and for being a cool

Hayes Hunter - For being a cool roomate and also
providing me awith many laughs and
introducing me to many new faces!

Matt Berta - Vegas BABY! Good to see you again!
Mozzerella Sticks BABY!

Charles Hickey - I’ve never had so much fun getting my
a$$ whooped! And, for selling me an EPP

Alex Tennet - For keeping an eye on Hayes on Party Night!
Thank You Man, you’re another cool dude!

Brian Cszienski - For being the Jedi Knights World
Champion Runner-Up

...saving the best for last
Bastian - Dood! The absolute coolest person I met all
weekend! Congrats Bro - 2001 World Champion! An
awesome roomate for sure. Also for helping me
tech out my Combat Deck. (I beat Baroni Im so

Slops -
Virginia State Trooper - Dude... get a LIFE!

Rent-A-Cop at IHOP - Dude... what kinda job is that?

Hayes - For showing me what a 1/2 digested snickers looks

Steebo - For leaving me a not so pleasant gift on the
Myself - For being the scrub that I am and not taking
over the title "The Ratings Busta" from Geminem

See Y’all next time!
PS - ...This is a CR (Con report) not just a TR. I didnt write down all my game sbecause I dont want to show you all the scrubbish stuff i did. I learn from my mistakes (I just mostly forget what I learn). Next Time I shall do better. I just wanted to let ya’ll know about the good CON that I had. Not just a Good Tournamnet! And I also feel that this WAS the World Championship whether it is recognized by Decipher or not.

Jeremy "JerUNH" Oakes
Rogue 72