
Title: a-real-tournament-report-ventura-12-1
Author: Wilson "Your mom" Fisher
Date: Dec 1, 2001

Well hello everyone!

Well, Lightsaber combat still sucks balls, Lord of the rings is the second coolest game ever (right behind Highlander), and I fell like poop. I think this calls for "Drum roll please!"


Yeah, well it’s the best I came up with. I’m in a Chirstmas Carol at the largest theatre company in Santa Barbara so I have been worked like a dog there and I needed a break, that break landed on a saturday (which is odd cause it’s normally on a Monday) and on that Saturday there was a tournament! Woop dee doo.

I have no decks built, thats right, zero! So I slap together a quick "No Money, No Cards, No Decks/You’re a card Junkie?" and I needed a idea for a light side deck. I wanted to make a Lightsaber combat deck but I didn’t want to play the stupid kind with like 18 sevens and eighty characters. So I threw in podracing. P-O-D-R-A...yeah you get it.

I get to Cat’s house and we jump in the car and pick up Carlos at the post office. We’re behind on time but we make it to Ralphs comics with time to spare. *Shrug* I dunno!

On to the games Ladies and Gentlemen!

First game:

Ed’s Endor ops vs. My Pod-bat.

Ed’s a nice kid and all and no offense to him but someone about him just bugged me this whole game and I still can’t put my finger on what it is. Sorry Ed. I start podracing and he dosen’t start a podracer or secret plans so I podrace till the cows come home. He pulls out Mob points with his starting interrupt and plays it from my hand, and like the idiot I am I took out the defense sheild card that cancels it. BOO YEAH! Cause I’m that damn good! So I let him pull the executor but he never plays it all game. He plays Moff Jerrgord and Dr.E and his B*itch. He also throws down Kir Kanos but dosen’t pay so he goes into used pile. Ok. I throw down Jar Jar, his pole of DEATH! New Lando and Twass khaa. I Say I’m targeting the Moff, I miss by drawing a one. I say then I’m going to jar Jar bomb Dr.E, he gets on the offensive and say "No you can’t it goes game text then weapon phase!" I go "Where the hell dose it say that? It says on his text during battle, not at the beginning." He wants to argue more but I call Cat over and he starts yelling something like he’s right. Growl. I end up being right, I draw a two and he draws a three so nothing really happens. I think I won the battle by 2 or something, he also argued with me about losing two to put Lando in to my used pile "No, he’s out of play!" "No, I lost two, see the flip sign?" GROWL!!! I win the race and spread. He played the battle order on like the second turn and he was still paying to drain for one while I was play something like 6 to drain for 7. I won the game by 36.

2 (+36)

Lows: Ed dosen’t.

Nothing much happened in between games execpt talking and making fun of the naboo cards and saying in a high nasal voice "I’ll try.....SPINNING!!!!!"

Game 2:

Josh? Lightsaber combat (Grrrr...) vs. No A$$, no muppets, no problems.

This game was damn funny and fun to play. Now that I remember Josh should have stopped me from draining where my jedi were but I wasn’t reminded that until next game against Alex. I set up with Executor at Tatooine with Zuckuss there. Josh made the two coolest moves ever, he OOC Watto and then Vader. So Watto is in big trouble in sensing a big beat down coming on against him and Vader at the same site. So what dose Watto do? "Hmmm...superstar destroyer....nice parts....lets check it out. One to beam up" Watto was sitting in the executor from some like turn 5 or something wacky like that. I drained, and Tatooine ocupationed this game into a win.

FW 15
4 (+51)

I played a quick game of Lord of the rings with Carlos, and for those who don’t know this game, you win by ethier killing or corrupting the ring bearer by putting ten burdens on him. I bid 6 for my starting burdens and made myself go first.We only had ten minutes so by the end of our time I was at site 4 with 8 burdens on my ring bearer. SILLINESS!!!

Game 3 and 4:

Alex’s "Look at me! I play lightsaber combat for both sides" vs. Wilson dosen’t like Lightsaber Combat.

Well, I forgot why I hate this deck but the next two games reminded me why. I went from 1st to 3rd. He had a neat little set up with light side that is worth mentioning. He started with Strike planning to get Madine who got Beezer. She got intruder missles and electrobinoculars to track like the silly mad man that he is. But yeah I had to be a scrub and do this but nothing eventful happened in these two games and I still think Lightsaber combat is a load of poopy. But what the hey, I had fun.

After the tournement we went back home and I walked to Super Cucas and got a burrito. I then went to one of my babysitting jobs where I just sit there and watch Ferris Buellers day off.

Ralphs comics-A grrrrreat place
Cat-For ruling in my favor
Carlos-Hey....he’s Carlos!
My Frodo with 8 burdens on him-You go buddy!
My saturday break-YIPPIE!
podracing-Nothing beats good old podracing...execpt when they start with a podracer
Barenaked ladies: the rock band. They are canaidan men who are fully clothed.
That guy across the street who works outside the diamond store-He waved to me! You are my hero!!!

Lightsaber combat-Guys...this is the best you could come up with "No, we’re trying to cut back on the ’mains and toys’ theme..."
Prize support-meh
Aaron wheel-Cause his last name is tought to spell
Brian Doose-Your a A$s hole.

