
Title: freedomcon-the-only-report-yeah-right
Author: michael "Deck" Gemme
Date: Dec 3, 2001


Upon parking my car Sunday night, my odometer for the trip read exactly 1000 miles, i thought that was interesting, so 1000 miles exactly there and back, thats pretty insane to me... here we go.. ACTUALLY- give me one paragraph of political BS and then read on the good stuff you actually wanna hear.

When DecipherCon got cancelled, a little bit of all of us died, and the game that we’ve called ours for so long died a little bit more. A lot of friends became enemies over Decipher’s cancellation of the event, and more importantly, the formation of an event called FreedomCon. FreedcomCon became the what can only be considered as the biggest DPC of the year, it was after all the Players Championship. After Decipher renounced Decktech’s claim as this event being the world championship for Decipher, it became the world championship of the players. There is no doubt in anyone’s mind (other than a zealous few) that Bastian Winklehaus is now the World Champion of SWCCG and will be recognized as such by the players.

Anyways! Enough political mammajamma. Freedomcon, whether you supported it or not was a blast. I dont know if it was better than ramapo, but it definitely rivals it on an extreme degree.

And like my ramapocon report, there will be crazy antics, including my kashyyyk crew, my crazy german friend, sloppy T, and of course Gogolen. Also like my ramapo report, this report will probably prove to be butt crazy long and it will not be chronological, it will be by chapters, just like my ramapo report. However, below is a chapter list so you can skip the BS you dont wanna hear about (even though i am sure to include very very funny and strange events in all of them) but for your enjoyment, read whatever you like, skip it all, it’s up to you.


Setting it all up.
Table of Contents
The Ride Down - Route 13
Room 511
Dinners with ’the girl’
Day 1 games and Gogolen
My first tourney win
Random Siht & Aftermath


So i am an idiot. Instead of going and picking up klema, or having justin h20 desai and benny ’nien numb’ rodriguez come and meet me at good ole marist, i decide to drive alone for four hours to UDEL, spend the night with a chick i knew in highschool (theres a good story there) and then drive four more hours to VA beach.. however all that equaled on the way home was one big 9 hour ride. Anyways.

I wake up early on wed morning for my long trek down. By attending this event im missing a total of 5 classes only, so i guess thats not so bad. There was nothign to do on the ride, i got mcdonalds and gas before i left so i pretty much just drove four straight hours through new jersey, the worst state ever, so obviously i dont have much to say about the ride except for that price is right theme song mix by crystal waters is pretty hot.. moving on... let me tell you about this chick.

Her name is Jess Rivchin and she was like a nerd in high school. I knew her through a friend of a friend, and she showed up at one of our loft parties that we started having weekly halfway through senior year. As a reference point, i dated a girl for a year in high school, after i broke up with her, i was pretty beat up and kicked myself a lot for doing it.. after about 3 days of that i just started hooking up, 22 girls til the week i left for college, some multiple, some hot, some not, but many many breasts and twice as many instances of oral sex im sure. Then freshman year, first semester, i dupilicated the 22 girls from september 1 to december 20.. not too bad at all if you ask me, if you do the math thats well more than one a week (actually its 1.7 accoreding to my roomates main squeeze [but in actuality its 1.46 repeating]) Anyways, jess rivchin- She was 18 and hadnt kissed a boy yet, and she liked me, so i took it upon myself to try and get her to go down on me, still without having kissed a boy before. i swear i almost got her to do it only because she was so nervous and didnt wanna look like a total idtotin front of me, but she still did because me and all my friends still laugh at her for that til this dayY. anyways i kissed her and then proceeded to lead her on for a year.. i didnt want to have anything to do with her, and she was upset. But of course i still flirted with her and led her on but would not do anything. Then i picked up on this last weekend. i flirted all day, all night then she wanted to go to bed and i was like yeah uhhh ill take the couch.. then after about 15 minutes of waiting she tries to take the couch as well and it was so uncomfortable. i cant sleep without tv on i dont like my thoughts at night and i dont trust myself to not have them, so i preoccupy myself til i fall asleep, i usually get less than 5 hours but hey, what can you do?

So the couch is so uncomfortable, just as i fall asleep she turns off the TV and that wakes me up so im like "what the F are you doing" and shes all like "you fell asleep" an di was like "damnit no i didnt" and when she got up and went to the bathrrom i went to the outher couch, the love seat, and passed out, when i awoke, she was in her bed i said goodbye, and laughed as i walked to the car.

So day two of driving was quite crazy. RTE 13 takes you through All of DE, all of MD, and most of VA. It has to be the longest road in the US i swear to christ. And the greatest thing about RTE 13 and living in delaware, is that it is always ridiculously foggy. School in DE gets delayed like 3 hours every day because of fog. I hate my parents for not having me live there. Imagine going into school at 11 every day and still getting out at 2. That is INSANE. I am jealous of all those Fukcs that spend their days in delaware doing nothing, that would be the life. Which is why delaware is the second worst state, it is long boring and doesnt have anythign expcept for the Purdue Chicken factory and a mile down the road... the tyson chicken factory... i found that very strange... something about the chickens in delaware? Conspiracy by the government because these chicken farms actually clone chickens with like 8 legs and extra meat? Whose to tell, but other than fog and chicken delaware’s got NOTHING.

Another thing at the end of the trip is the Chesapeake Bay bridge/tunnel. This thing is like a 15 mile bridge that costs ten dollars each way and goes underwater. It is one of the most uncomfortable things i’ve ever driven on. the only thing that redeems it is that you get to see all the US battleships and an aircraft carrier, the USS Enterpries that protected us from the afgani warsmen overseas right after the 11th of September, so that was cool.

All in all, a million hours in the car alone isnt anything fun to talk about so lets move on.

ROOM 511

So i got to the hotel two hours eariler than expected, and noone was around. I couldnt find anyone i knew well. Kim was hanging out with chris schaut, and my boys seemed to have run off to IHOP for their first of 9 times that weekend. SO i wandered around, showerd, called home and some friends at school to let them listen to the ocean and be jealous of me at the beach while they were in class, i jerked off over the balcony and then i finally found them.

SO once i say the hellos, get some money and get shti in order, we go find hayes and bastian (bastian material has been omitted so that it could be featured later in the chapter entitled, simply: Bastian.) and then the partying begins. The last man standing tourney sucked, mainly all of us, save klema, lost in the first round... i played assy garrison. Whatever, then we went up to 511 to ’make decks’ and drink our nuts off.

Only i didnt get that drunk, justin made me a rum and coke, or should i say a rum and rum and i drank that, got a little buzzed and made a vodka and sprite, which id idnt finish only because when steebo started puking overthe balcony and 45 ppl were shoved into a really tiny room, i didnt think it would take too long for the coppas to show up and bust everyone, especially those over 21 (which im not) so we peaced out of there and went to build decks.

Room 511 was sitll pretty crazy. Bastian didnt drink, but of course alex tennet did, and hayes did. For those of you who dont know, hayes started doing double shots of really cheap vodka and then proceeded to puke on hisself, and then urinate on hisself soaking all of his money etc. i could go into so much more, but hayes’ room, hayes tr will feature it, those are just some of the lowlights!

Even though i am not doing this chronologically, i will say that later this night, justin and i are putting the final touches on my garrison when we decide that its gay and we start to build THE combat deck that is to be played for weeks to come. With a little encouragement from Hoostino Warren at 330 am who assured us that you could win duels with one masterful move combo, one masterful move and 5 phantom menaces and only four mauls... we had a deck. A solid deck that plays way more undercover spies than any deck would ever need, we had a deck that shouldnt have lost a game all weekend. More to come on this later on day one.. for now.. we must eat.


Kim Caton and i talk often on the instant messenger there. She is a nice person, and hayes and steve and justin all tease me for the sloppy T thing, and the fact that i always talk about her and they say i have a crush on her even though she is obviously old enough to be my mother. Kim and i met i asked her about her job for a film i started writing about a schizophrenic about a year and a half ago, and i was curious about some direciton i considered taking, anyways she helped a lot and was very nice and was long winded ;). If you want to know about my film just go see kpax, because once again a movie idea of mine was stolen when i start talking to ppl in the industry during internship interviews. (do a cross reference of producers and writers on sweet november and kpax, its interesting).

Anyways, we talk often and i was happy to meet her again this con, after she wallopedme at DCON last year, she only lost one card.. her own ice storm, so that was incredibly gay. I tried retreiving 16 with OMDH but only had 15 force, retreival cancelled adn that was game. Anyways. Kim and i had dinner twice together. Once at some seedy local pub where kim’s favorite band SPACER just happened to be playing. Spacer is a great band, chick lead singer, fat guitarist, asian basist and homosexual drummer, you cant get much better than that. The band is loud and you basically cant get anything on the menu with out banana peppers and tomatoes, but finally i settle for quesadillas and kim gets a sandwhich and fries. We talk a lot, we make fun of spacer a lot because they suck, we had a lengthy conversatino about cowboy hats and how most men will look better in a cowboy hat as long as they dont smile, kim seems to disagree but then again she never saw hope floats. Other than that, let me tell you that kim says a lot of things that you could easily take to have sexual connotations, even though she doesnt mean it, you can tell that her mind is forever in the gutter.


"I like Dikcs, they amuse me" (talking about ppl who are dikcs, not the male genatalia)

"I cant remember if you put it in my box or not" (the battle order shield card)

There are more but i honstly cant think of any right now, and she is not online to help me, so i will leave it at that for now. I guess they really arent kimisms, but she has a sexually slanted mind, so i had to throw those nice quotes in. I knwo there were two more, but thats not important rightnow.

Then kim and i, the next day, we went to ihop. Kim had never had an omelette before, and i couldnt beleive this so i promised her an omelette at the con weeks before. She promised me a shot but never came through, and no kim you will never EVER hear theend of that one. So we go to ihop and we are in a breakfast mood, and she actually likes the omelette so that is nice, i get the silver dollar pancakes which are the hot shti. I had a really good time both nights, i wish i could remember half the thigns we talked about because she is one of the more intelligent ppl i have met in this game, and she knows how to carry a converstaion , even if half of it is in the gutter . We talked about movies and her anime collection, but how she only has one riske piece of anime porn out of her 300 dvds and i made fun of her for even owning anime in the first place. Then we talked about music and where spacer woudl go in her 300 cd collection and junk like that. simple stuff, but thats how you get to know each other.. and then of course i got teased every time i was seen with her by ppl yelling "sloppy Twa*" and everything like that, but its funny and all good becuase of my smile and charm.. kim got taken by it you know she did ;). One of the funniest things was i left my decks in her room and steve came up to get them cause he needed my imp commands or something, and he was like HEY YOU WANT ME TO LEAVE YOU TWO ALONE, wicked loud and we were just like uhhhhhhh... gues you had to be there. Even if she IS old enough to be my mother, i am still 170 lbs of fury that are ready for anytthing after the two dinners i had with her, there is nothing that girl could ever do that would shock me, i dont think.

when i started writing this i had so many kimisms, when you wait a week, incluing a 5 day vacation in which you were constantly drinkinga nd driving (not at the same time, but most of the time i was either drinking, or in the car) or at the movies, you lose track of things, including cons at a beach resort, if you can beleive that.


OH man did we play scrabble. It started when Kim and I started playing each other online with NETWORDZ an online scrabble program. Everytime we played she would sign off because "her roomate needed the phone" or "her dad wanted to use her computer" or some lame excuse, all cause she was losing, so we had to settle this once and for all.

I beat her, fair and square, i destroyed her.. when picking to go first you see who gets closer to A and they go.. i picked the A.

I had an 82 point word (relished) and i still lost.. after the 82 i got a string of like 11 words worth 15 points or less and she took off with all these crazy 25 pointers. I had all vowels for like the last 8 turns, and she got all the S’s... "the S in scrabble is broken" ~ Alex Tennet and Evan Fitzgerald at the same time. And its true, you get an S and youre garaunteed mad points, its just a proven fact.

It came down to the wire, this was a huge game, we matched wit for wit and she took the lead late.. i had three letters GIA she had one.. she was gonna go out next turn, i needed like 18 points or something crazy... finally i found it.. GIA was one word and AVOWED was the second (Vowed was already on the table i just had to add the A from GIA.. we totaled it up, i got one point from her vowel and she lost one... the final score... Kim 265 Geminem 264... the crowd went wild.. the best rounds of scrabble i ever played. Also, had a lot of fun with the Brits

These two crazy brit bastards, the funniest guys at the thing, or close to it.. went off for like 20 minutes about (cigarettes) and didnt think i got it, so after i bithced them out for not thinking i knew whatwas up, especially after i was cracking jokes, they told this 30 minute story about the guy in room 401, noone knows who it was but the guy was getting laid and the girl was screaming lik ethe whole time. I dunno, i couldnt really understand EVERYTHING that was being said but i guess they had some theories about who it was and everytime they did it was like two guys or two fat ppl or a brother and a sister or one of the guys at the con, but the final thing is, if you were in 401 the british chaps wanted me to let you know that you are the man and are alright in their book, next time just gag the girl, so they dont have to listen to it every morning.

Many more games of scrabble were played, alex and bastian were quite addicted and we had a lot of fun with words. hooked on phonics worked for us.. yay.


Okay, so i love my kashyyyk boys. you know them. steebo, justin, andy, brian, oakes, hayes. we have some frigging fun times. car rides, restaraunts. these guys are my flesh and blood within the game, if they werent around, it just wouldnt be a good time. Who else would stay up til 5am making decks for a guy like me that has no shot at winning anything whatsoever. Who else is there to play hardcore with? Who else will try and throw cards into a glass too small for cards to fit in... for an hour straight? I dunno, but here are some nice stories from the kashyyyk boys.

So us guys went to ihop many many times over the course of the weekend, only i was only there for one of the trips with all the boys. Well we take off, sat night and head down to the ihop. we jump out of the cars and there is this police helicopter shining a spotlight down across the street and pretty much circling our domes. we look across the street and there are mad cops searching a house with flashlights in the bushes and shti. So we go in the IHOP and there’s mad security and theyre all like, we’re looking for two men, so dont do anything stupid. we get sat next to this table with like 25 people including like 10 rich older woman, 3 of which who were hot, all of which had enormous wedding rings on. and oakes was all like gemme, look at the size of that ring and im all like HOLY SMOKES, that is a large ring and steve is all like WHAT QARE YOU GUYS TALKIGN ABOUT wicked loud. ANd im like relax ill tell you later. (steveh as a compelx of tlaking as loud as he can when there is more htan 3 ppl in the room so everyone present can hear him) and hes like oh i thikn i get it, thatlady is BLINGBLINGIN and of coruse we lose it, we are all lauhging histeryically for like 10 minutes, the hot ladies sitting next to me turn around and im all like ’yo take it easy lady’ andwe go about oru business. Then our boy Brian Cyzenski comes cause he doesnt have a room key, and he decides to eat with us. Only problem with this is that he still has his second place medal for Jedi Knights (runner up) on. So the waitress comes over, and i take this opportunity to hit brian where it hurts, his mental capabilities.

ME: Excuse me miss, this is our friend brian, he’s arriving late. But look he just won second place in the Broad Jump.

So everyone loses it at this and the lady makes fun of bri for participating in the broad jump. Andy comes out of the bathroom he said he could hear us all laughing, the ladies who are bling blingin look at us wierd again. i think steebo almost fell off his chair. So we all recover and start eating our food. Someone got mozzerella sticks and oakes has these things as if he were sucking a large sweltering cokc, and starts devouring it like he was friggin jenna jameson or somethign like that. Thats a pretty funny site. I’m eating my apple crisp which ended up being wicked gross and thse two guys (probably who the cops were looking for) were sitting down the way from us. and maybe it was because we were being so obnoxious, but one of the guys, shaved head, sleeveless shirt kept giving me the mad dogg stare. Well that didnt last long and we hightailed otu of there, raced home and played cards until like 6 in the am, before we crashed, but thatll come later.

It was my bright idea to have a pool for the top eight, we’d pick guys randomly, all throw in 3 bucks and the winner would get 21. Since there were seven of us, and noone got reinhold, we said if reinhold won, we’d give the second place finisher the money, so that worked out well. I got hunter, i wouldnt even remember who anyone else got if i didnt just get a picture of kim and mine’s scrabble board in which the list for the pool was in the picture a litle bit. Oakes got mclure, klema got shannon i think, bri go tbastian, steve got atkesson, i forget the rest. regardless, bri and bastian won, easiest 21 dollars bri made all day. bri is addicted to gambling and spent most of the day watching the college games, freaking out cause he made some bad bets. I also got a sweet picture of me, my boy alex, and steebo.

We also went to wendys and i balked on hitting on some very fine looking lady that was talking otm e, i just didnt know how to initiate so i couldnt complete test one, thats the worst, when you just keep drawing sites when youre trying to complete test one.. hateit.

We also played a lot of hardcore, but i didnt win one game all weekend, so i dont wanna talk about that.

Okay, so had freedom con, they had this bin full of random cards, some rare, some uncommon, a couple JK cards whatever. so we all took a bunch, coutned them face down to sixty. light and dark, and played games. ELOMS are broken cause you can use your own imperials with them. tech! also col. david jon is like a main cause he gets diestiny, is power plus 2 at ext sites and is immune to att. so hes a beast. the most tech inmy deck was i got lt. commander ardan, who is 2/3 with immuntiy less thannumber of aliens. so i stuck the jedi lightsabver and a tatooine utility belt and he was kind of a beast, hacked up jon and shti and got the job done. oh also, justin got a black border shot in the dark, and that was just broken. so all the cards he coudnt use (jedi resiliance and stuff) he lost to draw a card, plus it was BB so before the erratta he could do it all the time, it was tight. I had abilityx3 though and that killed him. either way it was a fun time and the balcony of 801 was the best one all weekend. i loved my room, right on the beach, saw the planes flying overhead all the time. we had a blast.

I will miss you guys the most even though i will still hang out with all of you obviously, you are my nucleus, the guys i always look for the second i getto a tourney, the guys i ride with, the guys i depend on when im screaiming at 4am because i dont wanna play garrison. I didnt travel 500 miles to lose with garrison etc. guys that make fun of me when i go out to dinner with kim and just make comments. guys that will defend me against my enemies (except justin who sucks on their peni) just my best friends. i lava you guys *tear*


NOt much to say about bastian except i love the guy. i hadnt seen him for 6 months but it felt like so many more. the second i saw him, he held me in his arms for minutes and as you read in his TR, he got me with the "YEAH RIGHT" in the first ten minutes i was there. it was classic, i loved it. It was just good seeing him again, watching him play cards, i didnt play him personally, but i mean, hes a great guy hes a good player, hes our champion. I <3 Bastian winklehaus and i will do my best to see him everytime he comes overseas to the US and whenever i go to Europe in the future, it will be a point made to see him right away.

I dunno. whatever. i donthave many bastian stories because i only saw him for like 3 days instead of a whole week so its hard. Plus at ramapo, it was just us and the kashyyk guys so i didnt get to spend as much time with him, so ive got no new bastianisms, except for a nice conversatoin we had at 530 am on sunday morning about breaking up. I told him it wasnt working anymore, and he said that the fire had gone out in his heart. it’s hard to picture a 6’7 german man being sentimental, almost has hard as tryign to picture him in a cowboy hat. but kim agrees, picture bastian in a cowboy hat, no smile, very serious, looking off in the distance... its a beautiful sight to see.

First off, mad props to Alex who helped me playtest garrison and realize how bad it is. Now let me tell you the little story about how lordi mauli was made... its about ohhh 430 am and justin is like , why dont yoy play combat. i was stresed enough alreayd, and when i gte stressed about decks i normally take it out on justin... meaning i scream and yell, i throw things at him, i storm around, pacing, just ranting... and justin always always always catches the brunt of it.

So justin says lets make a combat deck and we’re naming all the crazy shti that should go in this deck. We obviously werent thinking straight (three mauls strikes?). So we’re taking out cards, tossing them on the bed, we have like a huge stack and all im yelling i (THIS DECK WILL NEVER WORK ITS LIKE AN 85 CARD DECK HOW ARE WE GONNA MAKE THIS DECK DAY ONE IS IN 6 HOURS IM NEVER GONNA DO WELL THIS IS CRAZY WE"LL NEVER FIT THIS TO A DECK) etc. etc. SO then randomy, hoostino comes in and is like "you can win with just four mauls and 5 phantom menaces" the independant third party solved things, we weeded out the junk (like ozzel). ozzel is sweet but we dont need him for only two starD’s. and a third system and everything and we were ready to go. We played it against his WYS for three turns twice and we went to bed.

We wake up, and i panic... again. Why am i playing dominator if im not playing rendili this is gay, so after i do my decklists i force the guy doing the deckcheck to let me put in a second chimera instead of the dominator, which paid off huge later. (theres a great story about the dominator before the props and slops, read it, its great)

We wait a while and go into the room. Start chilling and waiting for the matchups and i get paired up against RobWierbniki, trashman5ooo on aim or Turin on Decktech. We played this mathcup last night and i rocked him, but i always get nervous game one.. and we sit down to play its


Well To be honest, this game was two weeks ago, and i dont remember much. but i know i won. basically ill give the generic QMC win. I set up in space. Then i put my guys down on the ground and celebrated. I then proceeded to off the edge any cards in my lost pile, i pathed around his battles and won the game with relative ease by about 28 cards.
FW 2(+28)

Highs: Probly everything
Lows : Probly none

So that puts me right at the top of the list, which is nice... kinda. Becuase now i have to put my untested dark deck up against someone who won by a lot and can probably beat me by many cards. So what did that do? It put me up against Drew Scott, the man that taught me how to play Raw Deal, i remember a lot more about this game.


I didnt get maul or stick in my opening hand, nor did i get him for my first 11 turns. I set up in space first and started draining light and early because i know profit plays jack for ships and i wasnt sweating it. However i never got maul down to smack the taste out of him with the straight drain of four all game. I kept putting down my undercovers to block his drains but the direct damage was killing me. By the time he figured i had no characters to come fight him with (i think he got to verify and saw i had no vaders) he spread out and just did the damage with the ping from his objective. The dark side needs an honor. Finally i get maul down and he is able to keep it close before drew really starts retreiving and i dont lose by much, but i lose, which is crappy enough.

Highs: Keeping it close
Lows : Not getting out maul, not winning round 1.

So im a little disheartened that i am not looking too hot right now. this moves me pretty far down the tables although i dont remember to where. I dont even remember which games were which but let me recap a couple.

Some guy i played with my qmc? he didnt put out code clearance. So what i did was, i would play off the edge during my activate phase, then retreive it with celebration and do it every turn using the same destiny 5 path of least resisitance the whole time. I retreived my whole deck and beat him by 30. I wish i knew who it was i did that too so we could laugh at him. HAHHAHAHA

Then i played Joe Olson, who is obviously a cool kid and i liekd a lot online and was glad to meet him. I thikn he was the first guy that i beat with my DS combat deck, and this was before i really got the hang of it. I dont even remember what he was playing but at this point, steven turner’s girlfriend came over and this started her streak of being a @#$% to me and steebo all weekend. which consisted of the girl, getting bombed and telling turner that i was a dikc to her and he should beat me up. then he was like "were you really being a dikc" and i was like yah pal, like id waste my time with that, like he was trying to be all tough. please Turner, RN was gonna step to this?? puhlease. Oh, the lady also threw a cup of water on steve, and he shoulda dropkicked her, but didnt. oh well.

So what you really probably wanna know about is my games with gogolen. here they are


well before the game, lets just say the crowd went wild. it was pretty insane. But i walked over said lets have a good game and didnt sweat it. I was under the impression that we werent allowed to look at our shields so i didnt know hwat the brangus one relaly did when he started playing, and i shoulda played the shield earlier than i did, but he musta had a good draw and ididnt fortify the system enough at the beginning and he was able to take it from me earlyl. I was able to get it back but he also was playing a good amount of power on the ground and his drains were more than mine, he cancelled my celevbration and i had already grabbed something else. And it was close, but i couldnt retreive becuase i had lost my edges early and wasnt able to get em back and i lost by 10. not something i wanted to do, but it happened and it sucked.

Game 2 vs gogolen LORDI MAULLI vs. RST BOOMRACE

SO apparently gogolen was still living in the summer con season with these crazy @#$% decks. I figured i could take this one, cause it was podrace. The onet hing i thought of was that i should coward his podrace before the game, and then when it happened i totally forgot. He blew the bunker late game, and it totally screwed me, but after i beat lando out of space early, i had that locked up. What happened was his deck drew out too many shields and i wasnt able to play battle order, so he was able to drain me at the end when he shouldnt have if i had played smart and not just thrown out my grabber. I wanted to grab his OOC in case of maul, and i just dont think it was worth it in the end. He ended up beating me by 7, which couldve been prevented if i had played smart. I have to admit that this was the only game all weekend where i was actually making mistakes. I palyed really well all my other games and just got beat, but this one i was an idiot and it sucks cause i lost to my sworn enemy even though we talked before this game and he was a decent guy. Actually, good story. we’re sitting there across from each other cause i was 13th and he was 14th at the time, and kim was next to us, and we’re beat and im like dude we’re not moving if they start the pairing at this end. so the guy with the cards comes by and im like start at that end cause we’re not moving, and the guys was like ’yessir’ .. guess you had to be there.. oh well im 1-2 lifetime vs gogolen now. time will tell.

The rest of day one sucked. Going into that second game with gogolen, my diff was high enough that if i won one of my last two games i wouldve been in. Even after gogolen only beat me by 7 i owulda made it if i had won my last game, but the guy i played was kinda an @#$% and i treid to play agressive when i shouldnt have. so i lost and didnt make it into day 2. so that sucks, but what can you do?


Me and justin are just like chillin playing a game and some shmuck is like "do you wanna be in a tourney" so we’re like yeah and we start over and do a tourney game. Well i win and then the guy is like ’this is no eratta’ and we’re like FUKC that is gay!!!!! but whatever we kept playing. but the guy didnt know how to do pairings he wanted to do all random pairings! and we were like what. and the guy was such an @#$% he just kept saying all this random shti aboutit being a no erratta and no rules and everything and so one kid out of hte whole thing made a deck with like 40 limited resources and old school HB before you needed 5 systems then the las tgame of the tourney the TD was like ’i never said itw as no eratta’ and the guy was a total duesche bag. anyways.

So i went 4-0 taking the crown. However, this came under some scandal by me. I pretty much acted as the TD becuase the dikchead that was actually running it obviously didnt know the rules. SO game 3 is nearing the end and im looking at the cards and i see im not in the finals like i originally thoght if this guy playing his light wins, and hes playing my friend benny rodriguez, i run over to watch the game and ben is getting manhandled. luckily ben is the slowest player alive! so the guy calls time during the kid’s draw phase. so ben went first which means its a timed game! the greatest part is that Ben only had one card left!!!!! so the kid got a timed win and i went to the finals against rob werbniki who i played with my lordi mauli vs his QMC, he went to bespin with ten numb and third turn i dropped executor, piett lat damage and imp command and won the game when i overflowed for like 27 cards earning my first ever tournament victory! yay.


Yeah, that dominator i talked about before. well none of us wanted to hold it, we didnt have our bags so we hid it under a tablecloth to see how long it would last. right so like before game 7 i see schaut folidng the tablecloth and he found the card! and im like listen you prick, leave it there cause its our secret tech, and he ended up stealing it!!!!! and that card missing is obviosuly why i lost my last two games to gogolen and the other guy preventing myself from making day 2. sucks to schauts assmar!

Nothing else really happened except for i happened to lose 27000 frigging decktech points to brian hunter. I bet him 20k that my qmc could beat his dark deal... i got SHALAKED.. so i wanted a rematch, lordi mauli vs his WYS for another 7000 points... and i lost again, but this time only by like 10 cards ,my dark deck is good. a lot of people think that it is no good, but it is actually very good, its furious, not so fast all the time, but when i get maul down early you cannot stop it, it is just that good. funniest thing about this game is like hunter drops melas to naboo and all starts humming the parts of DUEL OF THE FATES when they are dueling and its all like DOOODOODOOOOOOOO and its funny. i dunno i really like hunter, i know a lot of people dont but i think he is a funny fukcer, a little cokcy but hes funny and a good guy and he gave me the best goodbye of the con, so that was nice.

Speaking of goodbyes. After the games with hunter went til almost 8am i passed out on the bed as all my friends said goodbye to me in my sleep. one of those arseholes decided to move the clock near me (BIG MISTAKE) i wanted the alarm to wake me upand if it is within reach and i have gotten less than 2 hours of sleep, i will hit it and go back to sleep and never remember a thing.. so this happened and i woke up to the front desk calling me telling me checkout was an hour ago. i start cleaning the room and packing then ran downstairs, had valet get my car and i went upstairs to say goodbye to whoever was left, which was only hunter and kim and bastian and alex. Even though i only reallly got to say hi to hunter and kim cause the other guys were playing. So kim hugs me and hunter tells me it was great meeting me and everything was reciprocated.

THEN I DROVE 9 HOURS BY MYSELF ACROSS THE GREAT CONTINENT THAT IS AMERICA. My psyadic nerve killed me, i had a headache, i couldnt move my knee and my foot hurt. i thought i got lost once in jersey and didnt but had a bithc of a time finding the highway again, and then i really did get lost within 10 milesof my school, which is patehtic but i missed the turn for the mid hudson bridge so whatever. I get home and my brain is mushy mush mush mush and i pack it in and go to BED beacuse i couldnt take much more of being awake.... my brain is starting to hurt just thinking abou thtat night so im gonna call it quits and tell you alli love you and that i miss you. I hope to see most of you in the future and i reallyreallyreally hope this game isnt over, but if it is, we have to move on. god bless us everyone.

MY KASHYYYK BOYS - in alphabetical order by what i call you
Benny- you are so wierd, wierdest kid ever, thanks for getting that timed loss
Bri - none of us couldve won a game this weekend w/out your cards.
HAYES - youre always helping me and are a good friend, thanks for everything
Justin - Lordi Mauli! i cant beleive you had a sticker on your nipple AGAIN
Klema - we didnt hackeysack but we played hardcore and i love you pal, funny shti
OAKES - you are the man, thanks for throwing me threw that table and for having our back
Steeve - obviosuly iwouldnt be where i am w/out you. even if you lose all my cards and are the bigges tpain in my @#$% youre one of my best friends and i love ya kid.

KASHYYYK CONT. (these guys arent in my const. but are still kashyyk and i like em)
maholik- BECAUSE YOU ARE SO JACKED and i am afraid to not give you props (jk) dude you are a great man i lvoe talking to you and playing, ill see you soon
BRENTSON - dude you get funnier every time. im glad you were there and got to talk to you i was pulling for you to win, i really was.

Bastian - you won it, you got my 10 bucks
Kim- thanks for the dinners, and the scrabble. youre tops
Alex - togther again pal, we’ll do it again WITH the black undies
Berta - dude, youre funny shti always and i can lift you up, which is nice
Hunter - great meeting you, thanks for raping me of techpoints, see you later pal
Lingrell - always a pleasure, youre a great man and thanks for taking those pics
Hoostino - for helping with lordi mauli
Reinhold - dude, thanks for everything see you in december

Christ there are so many i dont even want to name you right now... i cant keep giving explanations i know that. Also, we all know im gonna forget your names here, but for pete’s sake, dont take it personalyl its late and noone remembers this shti.

atkesson, shannon, Paul Myers, Kessling, Olson, hickey, evan fitzgerald, all the crazy brits, martin for sending me to the wrong room lookign for hayes, drewscott, any of my other opponents that werentjerkoffs, rob weirniki and his crew, reinhold’s crew, anyone else who i already named their crew, the lady at the front desk, the hot chicks at wendys, the bling bling at IHOP, the staff at IHOP, Virginia Beach 5.0, the 8 mcdonalds i stopped at on my trip home and their employees, the inventers of ibuprofen, tom selleck, volkswagen, the sheraton, spacer, the bin, anheiser/busch - st. louis missuri, russion vodka, blink 182, fear factory, david akers and the rest of the decktech crew, any volunteers except for steven turners girlfriend, and christopher gogolen....JUST KIDDING

GOGOLEN! dude you beat me twice you suck!!!! or i suck..whatever
Schaut! for stealing the dominator SCHAUT SCHAUT LET IT ALL OUT!!!
The hotel for charing 6 bucks for a bagel
Decipher for ditching deciphercon and our game, we’re so dissapointedin you guys
steven turners girlfriend who only stops bithcing to talk about her med studies.
the fgas playing raw deal sun night who tried to fight me, i have your home adresses.

so, the biggest TR of the year is now ended, let us go in peace to love and serve decipher... HAHHAHAHAHAHHAHHHHAHAAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA

Later boys i will miss you all.