
Title: mr-scrub-goes-to-virginia-day-two
Author: Greg "TychoCelchu" Shaw
Date: Dec 11, 2001

Let’s see...I left off with me qualifying for Day 2, so here’s the rest.

It’s 4 hours of sleep and 0 meals later, and I’m playing cards again. wahoo.

These games were all typed like two weeks ago, so they have some good detail.

Game 1
LS vs. Brian Rippetoe (2079) 10-Minute HD Racing
Well, my huge racing arsenal consisting of Anakin’s Racer, Too Close, and Step isn’t gonna do it this time. I lose my 3rd race ever with WYS, which I guess isnt bad considering the fact that I’m not racing. What’s worse is that I’m not packing the race shield, because I normally win, and I didn’t even pull the race shield in my box of R3. So the Box hurts a lot. Then I can’t find a Luke the whole game, which hurts more. I get my drain at Kessel going, but it isn’t nearly enough to do any significant damage. Visage + Box + Drain of 3 at the Cantina = a 15-20 minute game.
FL -34
Highs: ha! none
Lows: Well, maybe, just maybe I’ll get to play a random.scrub

Game 2
DS vs. Joseph Diniega (1748) WYS
Note: I’ve played too many games against WYS so this game might have details from another game mixed in. Sorry if it happens.

The first few turns were like Oprah beating a struggling baby deer to death, and then eating it raw. My starting hand was a lot of red, so I drew and got characters. Well, that’s usually a plus, but there’s absolutely nothing for me to beat down on. Then when Josheph goes to space early, I can’t find any of my space, and I lose a lot of cards. I get some defensive stuff, so I drop Vader to the Cantina to drain for some. Then I find Drop and start throwing back a lot of stuff I don’t need. Then Maul goes down to the DB to start draining for 3. After I while, I finally found some space, so I was in a position to win it. Then I saw his second or third EPP Han and his second Angry Chewie go off the top to a drain. So now I’m really not afraid of a beatdown. And I’ve been recirculating cards for quite a while now, so when I look at my hand to put something back, I come across my Ghhhk Combo. Now, he’s only got 2 cards in hand, I’ve seen many Lukes/Chewies/Hans hit his lost pile, and I’m gonna win soon enough, so I put back the Ghhk Combo. Then he drops Han and Chewie against Vader and battles. Phuck. I Force Field his tracked 6 to shoot Vader, but it’s still Vader and 13 which swings a close game in my favor to his game. I lose to his drains in a few turns.
FL -teens
Highs: Having the game within arms reach...
Lows: ...then getting my arm bitten off by that danm hungry Oprah

I’m sure I have no chance of making the Top 8, but I’ve already set my mind. I’m not gonna drop, because dropping is gay. And the game is fun to play, even if you’re losing.

Game 3
DS vs. Steven Harpster (1733) THGG Racer
This is gonna be my game. My deck was made to battle and clear sites, and it does just that. Not to mention that fact that I’m sitting next to Brian Hunter and I ask him if I can absorb some skill. I guess he said yes or something, because I totally owned this game. I don’t remember any details from this game except that Maul drained a lot, for a lot, and beatdowns were plentiful. Thankfully, I was always on the giving end. One beatdown in particular; I YAB’d Lando with Ginsu knife, and Padme took like half of Steven’s deck with her to the lost pile. My huge pe-.. er drains finshed him off a few minutes later. Oh yeah, he won the race.
FW +20s
Highs: My dark is good + fun to play, thats a plus
Lows: hmm....I guess losing 6 to the race, but that’s about it

Game 4
LS vs. Don Kitzman (2065) Watto
This game was ugly. You can read Don’s report if you want some more detail. He flipped with Taliban and Watto, made me his b!tch for a while, and i didn’t do much about it. I had Celebration for 1 a turn, but then he kicked me out of the Cantina. Next Tat Maul went to space and killed Celebration while setting up Occ. The only high points were when Mirax + random.smug hit up Zuckuss for some battle damage like 3 turns in a row. ITTL is just great. And then the rest of the game sucked.
Highs: Mirax smacking Zuckuss until Don was able to track
Lows: Watto sucks. I guess Don is happy now that he got his revenge from Ramapo

Game 5
LS vs. Chris Gogolen (1905) Brangus Racing
This was the total opposite of yesterday’s game. Or was it this morning’s game? Anyway, I win his race again. Nothing new. Then SATM gets me a nice beatdown on Aurra. He couldn’t find space, so I get my Kessel drain and start Celebrating without any trouble. That’s about it.
FW +30
4(close to 0)
Highs: Having a good game with WYS
Lows: Playing and having to beat Chris

Game 6
DS vs Kevin Shannon (2125) WYS Crafts
Dammit, I really did not want this matchup. With all of his guys in crafts I couldn’t beatdown on anyone. Zuckuss died too early, so my space was pretty much shot. I died fast to his drains.
Highs: None
Lows: Stupid crafts...

Game 7
LS vs. Paul Maholic (1903) ISB Big Blue
This was one of the most boring games out of the weekend, and one of the most thinking-required games as well. We pinged each other for like 2-5 each turn. We retrieved 1-2 each turn. Boring. I couldn’t find We’re Doomed until there were only a few minutes left. I used it for like three turns. It helped a LOT and started to give me the upper hand. I was going to win it eventually. Then time was called. Paul had 11. I had 10. One more turn and I would’ve had at least the TW. The only cool part was when I cancelled my own drain with Lost In The Wilderness and made the stupid droid go hungry.
ML -11
4(farther away from 0 than last game)
Highs: I should’ve won
Lows: Yet I didn’t.

Game 8
DS vs. Justin Beal (1777) QMC
I remember my old Dr E/Disarmed beatdown deck that owned the EPP version of QMC back in the days of Tat. My current deck incorporates a lot of Dr. E beatdown stuff, so even though everyone was talking about how good QMC was, I wasn’t worried at all. He took Bespin early, and I let him have it. I was too occupied with ground control. Maul with his double shtick drained for a lot, and then Mara went to some other site to drain for more. A recurring EPP Leia via the Bacta Tank actully helped me, I retrieved with After Her a lot. He Edged a few times late game, but it just let me get in another After Her. My drains were too much for him. A fairly easy matchup.
FW + something
6(negative someting)
Highs: Owning QMC
Lows: none

So I finish my first year of playing Wars going 3-5 at Worlds. Not bad. Especially considering the fact that I could’ve won games 2 and 7 if I had played just slightly smarter. Oh well, more sleep next year. I hope there’s a next year.
In the end my dark went 2-2, going 4-2 overall. Both loses were to WYS, but Crafts is just a bad matchup. The other loss could have easily been prevented.
WYS went 1-3 again, going 2-4 for the weekend. For the previous 8 months it hasn’t failed me. I guess it was just a bad weekend. It figures that at the tourneys after FCon it performed like its old self, with only a loss or two to date since FCon.

Team Tourney
Another 4 hours of sleep and 1 partial meal this time! Yes!!!!
The Team tourny was pretty cool. Team IBMW, which consists of me, Bill, and Jon Dansbury, was desperately in need of a 4th person so we could drop Jon’s scores. So we draft Dave Edmund, and he was a cool guy. We only end up staying for half the tourney anyway, because Jon’s mom didn’t want to stay much longer, and well, we didn’t exactly want to stay in VA Beach. Sorry Dave :-)
I’m too lazy to write actual games, so I’ll just give some basics. First game I got to play Mike Carr, the kick@ss guy who did a lot of work for FCon. That game was the best and funniest game I’ve played in a long time. My WYS beat his Watto, but that’s not really the point. The whole time we just joked loudly about random stuf, getting the attention of everyone at our table. Stuff like Anakin’s and Sebulba’s Racers, which somehow always ended up in our hands. We would say something like "That card is so frickin broken, they really need to errata it" and everyone would look to see what we were talking about. And Threepio WHPS, we said he was huge, and if you actually read his text, you’d see that he’s pretty useful. You’d think people would learn, but nope, they kept looking over. Pretty funny.
Then Game 2 I played Brian Fred’s WYS, and he played too much space and not enough ground for me to beat on, so I lost. Then we said some good-byes and left.

Here’s some of the stuff I learned at FCon:

The Claw Fish Ritual
If you start Claw Fish, your opponent will read it and possibly laugh at you. Then you get in a big battle, miss a decisive saber swing, then abuse Claw Fish and kill whoever. Then you switch another destiny that same turn, and they read it for a second time and follow up with some cursing (ex. "Damn, that card’s actually good"). Everytime. It’s extra funny when you watch for it.

Luck plays an important role in qualifying. I’m usually not too superstitious, but from now on it’s 2 Cosmic Brownies and Goodnight Moon before every Open. Luck also explains my poor performance in Day 2. See, that night I didn’t read the book and I only had 1 brownie. Shame on me.

WYS doesn’t work like it used to
For 8 months WYS has served me well, plus the month following FCon. But only during those two days did it play like absolute sh!t. Stupid smugglers...

Now it’s time for Props/Slops, because what would a report be without em?
the coveted Like This props go to:
Margaret Wise Brown, the author of Goodnight Moon
Bill for letting me borrow tons of cards + countless hours of testing
Jon for the ride
everyone at DeckTech who helped make FCon posible
Colo Claw Fish for kicking @ss

regular props:
Scott Lingrell for being a cool guy
everyone who made the top 8
Bastian for winning it
Renier Wolfcastle (Simpsons) for sounding kinda like Bastian
All my opponents, you guys + gals (of which i played two)were cool
Kim Caton and John Veasey for drawing up for me
My dark deck for going 4-2 over the weekend
me for qualifying

My WYS for dying this weekend only.
Decipher for cancelling Worlds + being stupid and not recognizing the event (although Bastian is definately the World Champ)

I think that’s all. If I forget anything, it’ll end up on my Member Page sometime.
Hopefully I’ll see everyone next year