
Title: st-petersburg-florida-12-14-01
Author: Sean "einnobevoli" Weigold
Date: Dec 16, 2001

For the tourney I am playing COTVG flip, and HB with
x-wing/y-wing swarms.

I show up 2 hours early, and find one guy there. I decided to go eat some dinner and came back and hour later. Anyway people started to filter in, including one guy from Texas. We get about 12 people and start.

First game: Dark
COTVG vs. Throne Room Mains
He starts with throne room, and I start cotvg. First turn, I get out a few hunters at the AC and tell him to go. On his turn he gets out honor so he doesnt have to lose to court, and puts threepio at the throne room. He also puts down some twix Y4 site. On my next turn I load up some more hunters. Basically the game just went on. He attacked me a few times with main beatdowns, and I ended up capturing General Solo and feeding him to the rancor. I retrieved 8 and he lost 8. Things went downhill for him from there and I pulled off the win.

Second Game: Light
HB vs. BHBM with tie interceptors
I knew that this guy had no idea what he was doing. He had never played the game before and was borrowing a friends deck. I could have taken advantage of this but played fair. He got out a few interceptors, but never got out vader to make me lose 3 force per turn. I just crushed him in space, and drained him for a big win.

Third game: Dark
COTVG vs. Profit
To make a long drawn out game short, I played cotvg, couldnt get the guys that I wanted to get out out. Got my @#$% beaten. He kept slicing up my guys, and I lost the game to drains and mains. After this I vowed to make a profit deck.
(-30 something)

Fourth game: Light
HB vs. gay senators
I abhor senators. They are so @#$%ing cheap. Anyway I got out everything I wanted, but he kept canceling my drains with his effect, and this damn trade fed ship with some senator on it. Anyway he slowly drained me away, and I lost by a large margin. Damn @#$%ing senators.
(-30 something again)

Anyway it was fun, and the guys were nice and gave me a ton of free mains and stuff. I enjoyed myself, and was only -6 I think at the end. Oh well later.