
Title: team-mynock-report-end-oreign-st-pete
Author: John "Rancor34" Yakulevich
Date: Dec 19, 2001

St.Petersburg Florida about a 2 hour drive, to a new shop Streck’s, for the "End of a Reign Tournament".
I was excited about playing but I’m really behind in the card department ...I have about 9 packs of Courasant , 7 packs of Reflections 3 and absolutly no Theed Palace. Hence I was in for an education in Defensive shields adn lightsaber combat. ;) ohWell.
with me 2 faithful friends Bronson "Big Ben kenobi" and David " I dont have a cool Star Wars nickname yet and this is going to be my absolute first game of Star Wars ccg ever!" my fellow co-members of team Mynock. Mynock you say, why a mynock should be chosen as our majestic mascot? Well the answer my friend is blowing in the wind ... oh sorry it lies in the lore of the darkside Mynock card ..they are "...Power Suckers" , this in and of itself should be enough to explain Team Mynock play style , simply put... we suck.
Well then on to the festivities! We arrived early with excellent directions form Neil Razi.We Said our howdys and made introductions. Lota of familliar faces, sadly many were missing. I thought the boycott thing was ajoke , apperently not.
First round action I get paired with David, this was probably a good thing, because he was playing one of my decks and I was able to help him. I was playing an old school Tie swarm deck V.S. classic EBO x-wings and ish tib engine. keep in mind thet this is almost the first time David has even HELD Starwars cards in his hand and I practically played both sides.(FAIRLY I might add)it was kind of a stressful game for both of us , as i wanted him to do well but not destoy me either lol.We talked alot on the way about how to play but I’m afraid it was overall, abstract concepts . He really had a good first game with my coaching, but I won... fw+18
Second round I get Paired with Danny "Derfman" Price, A heck of a nice guy , our first meeting/game was a lot of fun. He played Dardside lightsaber combat V.S . my old school Nudge revo mains deck.
Part of my problem was I had never seen lightsaber combat Danny was a gent and clued me in as we went along.BIG mistake for me was early commital of Qui-Gon to Tatoine lars Farm...dident know I couldent drain if I had a jedi somewhere besides theed... so no Qui gon is trapped and useless, with Owen Beru Combo , Artoo Threepo combo and Liea with a blaster. I kept thowing down luke with saber and han with baster to try to clear sites... battles went back and forth and we really were pretty evenly matched, but Danny was Draining peroidically I had no drain. The big turn of events was the deployment of Maul with double bladesand Dr.E/Ponda B combo with 4 lom to lars farm...he couldent resist the beat down. And I had been annoying him with HarvestsThough they were grappled) He battled opperated on both Qui gon and the Princess, leaving poor Mr and Mrs Lars to battle with the "help of slave bolted artoo and theepio(forgot to mention early in game he FREAKING slave bolted Artoo/Threepio mouth dropped open WHO plays with slave bolts ! lol Danny said I do, wait untill I get my caller out ! Very funny.) I have to say that Dan is a great player and a lot of fun to play with we both cut up and laughed about different scenarios for most of the game. Well I got a whoopin but was able to forfit the droids and owen a nd Beru to cut some of the damage he still spancked me for a good heapo cards. I had old ben in hand , gifto mentored for the saber that wasent there . but in the pile was a Boush...I played the sense /recoil in fear combo to get 5 new cards into hand , only 5 in my stack Boush was one of em. Dan looses a card to drain for an extra 2 at the Farm. Next turn I block the drain with Boush. Now the tables are turned he has heavy hitters trapped at my location doing nothing . I am bringing the smack down to his stomping grounds. Obi and luke and Han pay the Uber Fett and Dlots a visit the site gets cleared on both sides. meanwhile I revo the Ship bridge and his 3/2 theed site...second mistake. I cant rival the Emperor , Dan keeps stacking Light sabercombat 7’s I cant clean the site...Immune to attrittion, he chosses to lose cards over the emperor. Really great game He played like a champ. Danny full win I get the loss by 22 i think.
Game 3 ! I play Justin "Abdullah" Alderman, creator of the al-Quida (Sp) deck which is even funner in person though, I’m sure not pollitically correct.He has pasted pictures of known terrorists over the photos of Sand people/Tusken raiders... Ossama Bin Laden and other known Terrorists .VERY funny .Some how either I was cloned or we were seperated at birth because we have the same bizarro sense of humor ,I dont think I have ever played and laughed so hard, while really paying a tough game. Justin is an excellent player. My Nudge revo Vs his Tatoine occupation deck . I got a good start with mains on Tatooine he was afraid to come after Qui , saber and lightsaber pro , luke old Ben saber, han and the droids. Qui moved over with the droids to block Dlots drain...Dlots moves he deploys Maul , saber and somebody else next doorI start closing in on him but I’m taking casualties. Finally looks like I cleared Tat. He drop Kedar to block drain,,,and Bliz 4 on my Yavin site with a pilot and pess of Force. Now he drains for 3 I cant stop him.
I cant get over there...things are evening up.I get boush drop to block the walker drain... he slide s the pilot to the throne room to drain more , but hasent left enough force to move his spy so I slide now I can drain. He drops the Barron in Space to drain. I drop Falcon w/ lando...shot down. drop spiral a capital he cant shoot it down, move Han up . we battle I lose han (why dident I move Luke and Han up to get extra destiny ! Go Team Mynock!)I move luke next turn we both die. last turn I have just enough to deploy Corran Horn to the throne room to beat down the lone pilot and win. Full win by +5. We both realized after the game he forgot to pay up keep on the walker.oops. I think we talked more goofy smack that game then I can remember. In my prize support I got a Tam-GrenDarren which Justin autographed for me, I am now Mohammed John! .Also got an signed Palleaon from Mike (? sorry I’m bad with names , forgive me ) from Daytona and had David and Neil sign the ad page of a recent Scrye Mag. Talking about Lord of the Rings. Woo-hoo!
Round 4. Sorry I am bad with names He went by Jasseem, I think it was steven from Texas I remember. Great guy great player.Pod racing mains on Tat..maybey lightsaber combat dont remember Vs my old school Ties . pretty non interactive he stayed on the ground me in the air . I got good drains but had to pay for them he had a slow start , i got u3po undercover spy to block for a while . he got corran to break his cover. he was draining with Qui and Jedi Luke on ground with Sabers and lots of supporting castmembers. He got really lucky with an early grimtaash..I lost two all power to weapons, lateral damages and Ghikkk combos. I was able to retreve 8 with my interrupt. and lots more deploying ties. the killer for me was Steve played were doomed reducing my force drains by half... I was draining near the end for 8 , 2 at each location.redeuced each time to 4 , which may i remind you I gotta pay for. Oh the pain worst of all he tracked it ..I couldent stop the vicious cycle. I think he played it atleast no exaggeration 5 times . well that coulda been abig swing in my favor if I had the grabber or shield to do it .I loose by 3 cards really tight game.He played great and placed 5th
I placed 7th Big Ben 8th and David near the bottom of the barrel. Woo hoo GO TEAM MYNOCK!
When is the next tournament!
Props to the great players and the not so great that showed , this was one of the funnest tournies I have been to in a while. Props to Bird man and Strecks for hosting it . Props to David and Neil for being David and Neil and making a great resource for Star Wars ccg and card games in general. Props to David my buddy for being compleatly overwelmed and frustrated but hanging tough in true Mynock Fashion!
If any of you are interested in a "team Mynock " T-shirt our slogan will be "We SUCK!" it is sure to be both funny and fashionable, designed by yours truely. The back must have your Deckteck handle and Fav. Star Wars Quote! Such as but not limmited too " Your powers are weak old man!" " Stay on target. Stay on Target! STAY ON TARGET!" Hope to hear form you and see you central Florida players at a Star WarsTournament soon .

- John "Rancor34" Yakulevich.... the perrenial nice guy of Star Wars ccg as dubbed by Neil Razi, Founder of Team Mynock and Leader of the Free world! GO TEAM MYNOCK GO!