
Title: livingston-nj-12-22-01
Author: Kelly "dr_divot" Krieble
Date: Dec 23, 2001

Last tourney of the year for me. Tom and Blythe Hermley-Keen put this show on, and it’s generally pretty good. 6 other people (young kids but fun - we did some good trading) besides me show up, so Tom gets to play as well and he’s happy (he hasn’t played in months). He’s talking about how I’m gonna win, cause he hasn’t had time to get any good decks together, but he’s said that to me before and it’s not come to pass. I always seem to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory when I play him (as you will soon read about…) My decks

LS: RST Boomrace (start Strike Planning)
DS: ISB based on world’s deck (with mods). Started Combat Response, Mob. Points, and IAO/Secret Plans

On to the games…

Game 1: DS vs. Pat’s Profit

He starts with Han Solo in the AC (to get 10 force retrieved rather than 5) and I get to start Boba Fett BH and Dr E and Ponda Boba (what a great deal!). Not a particularly interactive game, though we had a battle or two resulting in Corran Horn getting Trampled :). Ha Ha (Note to self: put more Tramples in deck - I got to Trample characters in every DS game I played). I move out of the AC to where I can put my guys on walkers. I pull docking bays (all 3 at Tatooine), use Imp. Command to set up Piett, Merrejk at Executor DB, pull Tatooine system and get the Baron orbiting the planet the whole game. Fighters coming in, Tatooine occupation, and ISB flip side all do him major damage. He does some to me after freeing Han and flipping, but I’m too strong. FW by 18.


Highs: Trampling Corran! Having enough sense to get out of the AC.
Lows: Not too many

Game 2: LS vs. John’s Hunt Down

Great. Another deck I don’t like playing against. Did I ever tell you I hate playing against HD? He gets Lord Vader and his stick down turn 1. Damn. But I cancel Visage with OOC/TT! Ha Ha. Nor force loss for me. Anyway, I start off slow, forget to podrace a couple of turns, suck up drains, put Vader OOP with OOC (didn’t matter, since he didn’t lose him from table.) Eventually I blow the bunker. My secret tech for bunker blowing is to put Caldera Righim in the bunker. Then DS can’t lay the smackdown since they have to have less than 8 ability to battle. If they battle with one guy, I’ll usually have enoguh left over to mount a counter-offensive. If they load up on guys there I wait to get Lando, Scoundrel in there, initiate and draw 3 battle destiny to usually clear the site out (destiny is high in this deck). R3 Lando is HUGE!!! He is SO broken. I win the podrace too, but can’t retrieve either time due to Secret Plans and Come Here you Big Coward. But that’s OK. I finally get to space with a couple of Talas (Combat Air Support is HUGE in this deck too, as you will see in a couple of games) FW by 11


Highs: Bunker blowing, podracing.
Lows: Another damn HD deck!

Game 3: LS vs. Tom H-Ks Dark Deal

Well, I knew I was probably gonna play Tom sometime.

My opening hand was terrible for this game. For the first bunch of turns just couldn’t get (a) EPPs (b) Back Door (c) The Shield … helper effect (d) Han Chewie and Falcon (e) ANY effect pullers! I actually get guys into the bunker real quick and he ignores me, setting up CC Occupation quick (Note to self: put Endor Celebration in!) He also has a bunch of droids, and the Incinerator, so he has some retrieval going too. I eventually win the podrace, but he reduces damage with the def. Shield. I blow the bunker, but can’t take advantage of it. The turning point in the game was when he had Executor at Bespin (damn helper effect is BROKEN) with Piett. I drop Han Chewie and Falcon and play Life Debt to add two destinies (with 4 I fugured to down that damn ship), but he plays Imperial Command to limit my destinies to just 1! That was the game right there, as I couldn’t ever find my Punch It card, and he reinforced with Bossk, Zuckuss, and 4 Lom!!! So I ran away from that to CC. Battle Plan finished me off since I had to pay to drain at that point. Good game though. FL by 8


Game 4: DS vs. Tom H-Ks Rescue the Queen new objective

He drops the queen and a handmaiden and starts moving in (boy you get to start a lot of sites with this new objective - what a deal). I wish I had put the Naboo docking bay in to slow him down. I never get a good enough character package to take her out, so I never invade (this would cost me the game) I set up on Tatooine, and he comes after me with Qui with stick and some guy with a blaster which can actually shoot down my walkers. Damn. I lost Blizzard 4 and Thrawn before I knew what hit me. I had EPP Vader swing and miss for a couple of turns at Qui, which REALLY hurt me in the long run. Trampled another guy before he could shoot my walker. Got Tatooine Occupation up and running, but could not spread out due to Qui and friends. The end of the game came when I lost Chimera to a drain. Next turn he drops Bravo Fighter to Naboo to drain. Even though I cancelled this a number of times with Den of Thieves, it really hurt. I am a dumb @#$% for doing that (losing Chimera to drain), and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. He spreads and drains on Naboo, and drains me out. Good game. FL by 11


Highs: not many
Lows: giving the game away

Now it’s time to beat up on some little kids. :)

Game 5: LS vs. Mikes (?) Hunt Down

Great. Another HD. Pretty much the same game as the other hunt down, but he comes down with a LOT more characters. I am always fearful of dueling (he had it in the deck, so my instincts were right) so two of my big guns are neutered (Luke and Obi) except for one instance. He starts the Maul helper effect, which allows Maul to duel, and eventually gets Darth Maul and the Emperor down to my sites. I eventually win the podrace. I get Crix and Kensaric at the back door. He loads up at the bunker and tries to initiate a battle, but I point to Calderas game text and he just draws. I end up dropping Lando, Scoundrel down 3 times to the bunker to kill a lot of characters (I’ve only got two in the deck, but retrieved him once with the podrace), then blow the bunker. I eventually get Crix and Kensaric at the Back Door, draining. He decides to move Boba Fett BH and Aura Sing over to battle me. I drop EPP Obi Wan (no fear of a duel) Tala 1 at Endor, Close Air support, slash Fett with Obi, get an extra destiny and one to power from Close Air Support (GREAT tech!) and beat him up (even though he got three destinies, I covered with Obi and a scout). Game Over. FW by 20+.


Highs: beating Hunt Down. Great battles!!!
Lows: None really

Game 6: DS vs. Johns Tatooine beats (starting JCC)

He starts saving force, so I know what’s coming. Drops Yoda at the JCC. I set up on Tatooine with DBs and get stuff loaded on walkers, get the system set up, drop Fighters Coming In, flip my objective, and drain him for 3 at two docking bays for many turns. His set up was to drop the Cantina, guys with sabers, Lightsaber proficiency. So he’s got a drain of 5 in the Cantina (reduced by 1 due to my objective). The only problem was that was his only drain. My Den of Thieves and Outer Rim Scouts made quick work of that. Evevtually my drains were too much for him. FW by 18.


Highs: Good strategy game
Lows: None really

So Tom H-K goes undefeated and wins the foil Ghhhk. I come in second and get a Star Wars figurine toy set, and a pack of Theed (damn Senate Hovercam…what the hell is THAT!!) and a crappy main (Princess Leia Organa). A couple of guys pulled Darth Sidious and Maul w/ stick, Qui w/ stick from random packs. Made some good trades (got some Stormtrooper Garrisons and Palace Raiders for future decks)

Props: a great way to end the year
Slops: the crappy pulls from Theed