
Title: lancaster-01-26-02
Author: Rypcord "Rypcord" Kline
Date: Jan 26, 2002

Well, its the first tournament of the new year, and without the backing of the company anymore. Oh well...

These two weeks were supposed to be really good, Last Saturday, come down here to old Lancky and play in a WWF tourny, win, and get my second IC belt, then the Rumble on Sunday, then the SW tourny today {Saturday}, then the WWF Live in Hershey, PA tommorrow {Sunday}.

But.... the snow stopped us from the tournament last Saturday.

Anyway.... onto today’s happenings....

Well, last night, I had a soccer game. Scored 2 goals. But totally destroyed my back. I have a misaligned spinal cord, 3 strained muscles, 2 vertabrea that are out of line, and 2 torn ligaments. Yippe!

At least we won though. But, like the Brave Little Hardcore Man that I am, I played through my injury...

But anyway, due to my injury I’ve been taking LOTS and LOTS of tylenol {like 8 pills at a time... not a good thing!}, and I didn’t fall asleep until 3:30 the night before.

So, I wake up today at 6:30, not really "awake". I finally "fully wake up" after playing Smackdown 3: Just Bring It! {great game} for about 2 hours. Nothing beats having your homemade character {Ben Mexican} in an Ultimate Submission with the king himself, Chris Benoit, the Rabid Wolverine.

ANYWAY.... {way too drugged up from all that tylenol... if I seem to wander off topic, just smack me....}

To solve all the chit-chat, I’ll get straight into it. We arrive at Lancaster at 1:20. Mike has everything set-up.

{By the way.... Its Rory Mexican’s birthday. Hes finally 16. Luckily, he won’t get his license till he’s 18.}

I walk over to the Comic Store, and buy a few packs of Survivor Series. I pull alot of cool new images. I get a Claw, a FOIL Just Bring It, a Somoan Drop, and some other crappy sh1t.

We start off the tournament.

I’m using my: The Senate is Bogged Down with Mindless Beuracracy, so let the Mexicans Roll On In!

And my: Hold Kessel: And Drop.

Well, onto the pairings:

Game 1: Me {DS} vs. Nathan Car’s LS {Mike Car’s Deck}

Mike.... err... Nathan’s deck is EBO. I gave him some slack. Nathan is only like 11, and hes playing a deck that hes never seen.... plus its been like 2 months since he’s last played SW. He forgets most of his starting stuff. Like the Boonta Eve Podrace, the Podracer, etc. I let him go get it, so, everything’s fine. I get my objective flipped first turn, with Tikkes... the Mexican Hat Dancer, and Lotto Doddo, the One Man Mexican Wrecking Crew. Well, he drops some characters to some of my locations, and I wreck them. Not much to tell, he never wins the podrace, because he forgets to draw more then 1 destiny. I drew Empy and Naboo 3/2 in my opening hand, so I had a good force drain for the entire game.

Win: +23-32 {somewhere in there}
{I really don’t remember my differential that much this tournament.}

Game 2: Me {LS} vs. Drew: BHBM: Simple Set-up Beats
Damnit. I hate Drew. Yet.... damnit! I Lost in the Wilderness his Vader second turn. I slow down his drains with Projections. And I Test # 1 third turn. I drop Boush to the Endor: DB to block his drains there. All’s looking good for me. I drop Luke on R2iR5, with X-Wing Cannons, and shoot Zuckuss out of the sky, then I place him out of play {OOC}. Drew finds Vader a few turns later. And for remainder of game I’m losing 3 from Your Destiny {damn that card}. In retrospect, I shoulda used Wedge in Red Squad 1 instead of Luke.... to late for that now. He drops Search and Destroy, so I’m losing from that now too. To attempt to solve this problem, I drop Jar Jar, EPP Qui-Gon, and Wedge to battle his EPP Vader, Janus, and Igar on Bliz 2. I tracked a 7, so I knew Jar Jar could get rid of Janus. And, he draws a 4, I barely beat him by 1. {9 to 8}. Vader then hits Qui-Gon. He then plays the Dark Strike combo card to make Qui-Gon dead. I didn’t think he had it in his deck because I figured he woulda used the sniper part to obliterate Boush earlier. Damnit Drew and your massive tech! So, Wedge catches a Hardcore style beating worse then Mick Foley’s career. Him and 14 more. NOT GOOD. I It Could Be Worse 4 of it, but thats still 10 cards. OUCH. Thats the final nail in the coffin.

Loss. -18
Total: 2 [+5 to +7].

Game 3: Me {DS} vs. Rory {LS}
Rory’s is probably the coolest Mexican this side of the Rio Grande. By the way, Rory, Happy B-Day! {Slap me now.... damnit.... getting off topic..... err... ouch! Damnit.... not that hard!}. Anyway, he’s playing Chadra Fans: Profit style, and I’m playing my Senate jank. Well, I use the Profit objective to deploy Boba Fett, Boarder Patrol Officer, and Mara Jade, The Mexican-Whore to Audience Chamber. Every time he deploys a Chadra Fan I respond either with Vader, Maul, or some other form of beat down and destroy them. He later wins the Race. But, by this point, he has like no foothold on anything. The one site he has to drain with, I have U-3PO blocking him. He never even gets to release Han. Forever Han will be a Mexican decoration. =-) {No more need for Hub Caps!}

Win. +28
Total: 4 [+33-37]

Game 4: Me {LS} vs. Wickey {DS}: LS: Combat
I freken hate Lightsaber combat! Its so stupidly gay. Everything about it is dumb. Finger of death? What the hell is this sh1t! AHHH DAMNIT! </Rant off>. Anyway, onto the game. Well, it takes me to turn 5 to finally Train Crix Madine the ways of being a Great Warrior. I dropped a good size beat down squad on Maul’s as$ at one point with EPP Qui-Gon and EPP Obi, and I use my massive tech with They Win This Round to retreive 4. So I have no lost pile at this point. But, he comes back the next turn with another Maul, and duels... err... I mean "combats" Qui-Gon, beats him by ONE FREKEN POINT! and he plays Qui-Gon’s end. DAMNIT TO HELL! He also has Piet and Merejk on the old Executor up at Fondor. So, I drop Wedge in Red Squad 1, with Cannons, and Ric Olie on the Falcon {I flashed Ric, but there was no Queenie’s ship.... damnit yet again!}. I battle, and Power Pivot the Big Behemoth of a ship. He draws a 7 for destiny. Summ’a’@#$%! I draw a 2. Err.... Total was a 14 to his 7. So, he just loses Merejk who coveres it due to IAO. So, Wedge scampers away to Endor. In a valid attempt to dethrone Maul and recapture the Naboo underworld, I drop Pissed Off Chewie, Jar jar with Pokie Stick, and EPP Luke. I battle. He plays Stunning Leader to stop the battle. Son of a @#$%! Oh well. His turn, he Fingers of Death Luke. Oh great! Battles. Chops Chewie. I hit Maul with the Pokie Stick {Jar Jar’s electrople}. He swings again with the lightsaber and hits Jar Jar too. He draws a 6 for a destiny, and I draw a 1. Gee... yippe! He loses nothing, I lose all. Plus 2. Just great! He eventually drains me in space and with Maul on the ground.
Loss: -10 or 11

Total: 4 [+21-28]

Overrall, not that bad. I did my usual 2/2.

I get an Epic Duel for my trouble. Decent for when I start up my Hunt Down deck soon.... soon.... all I need is 4 EPP Vader’s, anyone wanna donate some to me? If you do... you can d-mail me at: Rypcord.


So, I made a trade with Micheal Carr, my DTA {Don’t Trust Austin/Anyone} for the new Ego Boost {just wanted an Ego Boost.... its sooo good!}, the new image of Trash Can {great image, it has Rhyno on it, and Rhyno is the man!}, and the new Boston Crab {it has Benoit and Angle on it from their Ultimate Submission match at Backlash 2001}, and a Stratusphere. Not bad, considering DTA isn’t really that good. The Stratusphere and the Ego Boost went straight into my Brothers of Destruction {BoD} deck. BoD is the law. Mike also got the promo Rob Van Dam. His ability is god... here’s what he does:

Hand: 5
Value: 3
Ability: You may play 2 extra Mid-Match cards. Chair Shot is not considered HEEL for you. Once per turn, you may discard a maneuver to make the next maneuver you play this turn -XF where X equals the Fortitude value of the maneuver you discarded.

Thats so SWEEEEET!

Can’t wait for the WrestleMania set in April!

After this, we brainstormed some ideas on "scenarios" to keep the game clean and fresh, we’ve come up with the following so far:

No Purple Cards
No Objectives
Only Sh1tty Objectives
JP and Lower
Special Edition and beyond
Bespin and Beyond
Only Light Side decks
No Jedi’s
No Destiny 4 cards
Endor/DSII Sanctioned Format
Ep1 Only
Premiums Only
Objectives Only {which, almost every deck is now anyway}
One card of every card type must be in the deck
No cards of destiny higher then 5 {no 6’s or 7’s}
No Odd Destiny Number cards
Raw Deal style StarWars
Lord of the Rings style StarWars
Tag Team StarWars

If anyone else has any good ideas, list ’em in the review.

For Gay Steve not showing up.
For Rory’s parents for getting me tickets to tommorrow’s WWF Live Show in Hershey Pennsylvania. It will be the last time the WWF is in the arena, since there making the new arena.
For Mike for holding the tourny.
For the 8 people total showing up.

None really.... maybe having to many doritoes and having gas on the way home... I pity Rory, Drew, and Mr. Dibeler... hehe.

Thanxs for reading my Tournament Report. I hope you enjoyed it and thought it was very humerous, I’m always here for your daily laugh.


-Ben "Rypcord" ’Rypcord’ "Mexican" Kline