
Title: coruscant-regionals-5-26-02
Author: Chris "Wedge231" Wodicka
Date: May 26, 2002

--- pre tourney things ---
Where do I start? Well it all started when Coruscant regionals were announced. I asked my dad for a ride and he said ok but then my parents realized they had already made plans that day. I search for a ride and Wayne Cullen says he thinks his step-dad can take us. So me and him are going and then Sam Diamond and Alex Warshow say they want rides too. Wayne doesn’t have enough room in his car so we have to say no.

Meanwhile, at the tournament at my house on the 18th I go 1-3 with my decks (boomrace and Senate Ties) so have to find new decks. A nice guy from Decktech IM’s me and gives me a deck list for dark that looks pretty cool. Being the nice guy he is, he even sended me some of the cards I needed to borrow. I get the decks ready and borrow all the cards I needed.

Now it’s Saturday night. Alex can’t even go no matter what now so Sam asks if Wayne has room in his car for one more. Wayne says ok but Sam has to get a ride to Wayne’s house by 8. However, Sam is at a party when I finally got in touch with Wayne. So I stay up until 1:30 waiting for him to get online. He signs on but is occupied at the time (girl?) so he gets on a little later and we talk. He says he thinks he can get a ride to Wayne’s and he’ll ask in the morning. So I fall alseep around 2 and set my alarm for 6:30. I get up the next day on a good 4 1/2 hours of sleep and have breakfast. Then my dad drives me to Waynes and we wait around for awhile. Sam doesn’t show up so we leave. Wayne lets me borrow the Executor, Short Range combo, Black 11, and a Battle Deployment. I lend him a Squabbling Delegates and a Short Range Fighters.

The car trip is pretty uneventful. We do well but get semi-lost near the end. Wayne’s step dad drops us off and we stand around waiting for them to start taking decklists. We do all that stuff and wait around. I notice Scott Lingrell and John Chu. And then I hear the Terwilliger’s names mentioned and Hayes Hunter comes in even though he can’t play.

--- end pre tourney stuff ---

My decks:
LS - Throne Room Mains with Racing
DS - ISB big blue

My rating: 1721 (with 1-3 not in, probably 1675 after that is updated)

Sorry for any lack of details, I’m tired.

Game 1: My LS Vs. Vikram Bali’s (1675) Court Mains
He starts Court with Prep. Defenses for IAO combo, Mob Points combo, and Crush the Rebellion. I start my Throne Room and my race stuff along with Draw Their Fire I think. My first action I pull Don’t Do That Again to suspend Mob Points. I get out Gungan stuff and naked Threepio. I lose court damage. He pulls the Tatooine docking bay and a 1/0 one. He pulls Mara with Saber to the Audience Chamber. I deploy EPP Luke there and battle. I swing and draw 1, 0 I think and my battle destiny is 0 I think. I lost Luke. He gets out more guys like DVDLOTS and Chiraneau to the Tatooine docking bay. I eventually kick him out of the Audience Chamber with my EPP’s and Resiliences. I win the race too and get back some for that. However I never seem to stick around to drain on Tatooine thanks to suicide mains killing off my EPP’s. He grabs my resilience finally and I run out of mains. He also has Rendili with Fett in ship and Stinger. I tried to take that over earlier with Independence and Tantive but they died. He has the Emperor at a site and Lord Vader at the docking bay. I miss my swing at Vader with EPP Qui-gon and my 5 can’t crack his immunity. He now controls the ground. I draw up to avoid the timed whatever. I lost by 7.
FL 0(-7)
Highlights: It was a fun game with a lot of battling
Lowlights: The first battle where I draw two zeros and not being able to pull off a win.

It turns out Wayne lost his game also (by 14 I think).

Game 2: My DS Vs. Kelly Krieble’s (1791) QMC
He starts QMC stuff with Squadron Assignments, Keeping the Empire Out, and Menace Fades. I start IAO combo, Mobilization Points, and Combat Response. I pull the Executor and play We Must Accelerate Our Plans to pull the Executor effect (the R3 card that makes it go for free to Bespin). I deploy it for free and put Ozzel aboard. He pulls a bunch of sites and Battle Plan shield. I get out my 1/0 docking bays and the Naboo docking bay. I reveal Jonus to get Scimitar 2 and put bombs on it. I put a Blizzard walker to the Naboo site and I put Blizard 4 and another AT-AT to his Cloud City docking bay. He eventually flips by putting Artoo in Red 5 with Luke to Bespin and Puccimer and R3 Leia to Cloud city. He moves Luke to Coruscant. I collapse his Guest Quarters with Jonus. I keep my big drains going. He eventually gets out Celebration with Quigon, and new Lando at sites and he has Luke and Wedge in ships at Bespin (they both have cannons eventually). He drains for about 2 or 3 on his sites. I fly away but use Endor Occupation to cancel Celebration. I try to kill off his guys with Saber 1, Fel, and Cannons but I miss my shot and he kills Jonus. I do outpower him though and he has to lose the system evenutually. In a last ditch effort he puts out the Liberty to Naboo. I kill that with Zuckuss in ship though. I win by 18.
FW 2 (+11)
Highlights: Early Executor with Ozzel aboard for free, winning a game (only happened once last tournament), beating QMC like this deck is supposed to
Lowlights: Not much really

Wayne lost in a timed game to Marty Terwilliger.

Game 3: My LS Vs. Tom Schwarz’s (1578) Senate Ties
He starts Senate stuff, Naboo, and Mob Points and Inconsequential Losses. I start my ususl along with Goo Nee Tay. I pull Don’t Do That Again again. I set up with my Gungan stuff, Coruscant Jedi Council Chamber, and draw stuff. He puts out two interceptors and a cannon to Naboo. I deploy Independence with Corran horn and kick him off the system for a bunch. He deploys another Tie and a squadron there and kills Corran. He also gets out Edcel to the Senate. I kill Edcel with EPP Leia and somehow I killed off his last two ships. He gets out Kashyyyk and I revo it and put Home One there. I also get off a Grimtaash and he loses two barriers, two Ghhhks, two All Power to Weapons, and other good stuff. I am draining for about 2-4. somehow he wins my podrace thanks to me drawings lots of 1’s. I put out R3 Lando to the Podrace Arena and EPP Obi to Naboo: Battle Plains. I also deploy the Tantive to Wakeelmui. Ke kills the Tantive but his guys are stuck there. He eventually does take over the Senate with Lott Dod and Tikkes but I kill them too I think. This game is a blur mostly. I remember a few space battles and the Grimtaash. I got off a late game On the Edge for 4. I win by 27.
FW 4(+38)
Highlights: Beating Senate Ties like this deck should (as long as the Coruscant Guard doesn’t come out, I know...), controlling space, and that good Grimtaash
Lowlights: I lost my own Podrace? How does that happen?
Wayne lost again

Game 4: My DS Vs. Pat Ziagos’ (1936) Profit
He starts the Insurrection combo, the weapon puller card, and The Camp. I go for my usual. I get out my Executor fast to Bespin with Piett and Merrejk aboard. He has Artoo at the Tatoine docking bay and he keeps playing How Did We Get Into This Mess. I have to deploy AT-At’s with ORS on them at my docking bays and transit to Tatooine to avoid the Camp. He evenutally frees Han and he a Cantina shuffle going with Leia. I put Blizzard 1 and Veers to his Jabba’s Palace and Trample Luke with a 6. I pulled CHYBC, Allegations, and Battle Order shield. He just keeps moving in and out of the Cantina and I can’t do much about that. I am doing some good drains and stuff but he is sensing some key stuff since I grabbed OOC already. He senses a Trample that would have killed Han. He also gets out a late game Order to Engage and chases around two walkers with Luke, Han, and Ben. He also has Leia and I think someone else doing the Cantina thing. I have a decent amount of power but Ben just revives people. I lose eventually by 11.
FL 4(+27)
Highlights: Trample Luke, another fun interactive game
Lowlights: Senses hurt, forgetting to activate on one turn...

Wayne lost again...

Game 5: My DS Vs. Jon Schultz’s (1875) Shmi Mains
He starts the Shmi site and Careful Planning for City Outskirts. I slowly set up with docking bays and I get out Executor to Bespin with my Piett and Merrejk. I move them to Naboo. He has Shmi and Threepio out. We just keep saving/drawing I think. He also gets out Savrip. He deploys Home One (I barrier) and Han, Chewie, Falcon vs my Executor. He doesn’t battle. I deploy Zuckuss in ship and Thrawn onto the Executor. I Lateral Damage Home One and battle. I cancel his Spiral react with the Ghhk combo and play Imperial Command to limit his destinies. I lose Merrejk and he loses the system plus Jedi Luke and someone else to Savrip. He gets out Padme, Jabba’s Palace, and Yoda to my Naboo docking bay. I get out Ozzel onto Blizzard something at Jabba’s Palace and some other guys on it (the ISB droid and an ORS). I flip. I eventually kill off Yoda with Bizzard 2 and an ORS. He Revos Coruscant. He claws my drain in space so I move the Executor to Bespin and drain for 2 with Zuckuss at Naboo. He eventually kills my guy at the Naboo docking bay and we both pay to drain for a little whle. I get chased around Tatooine by R3 Leia, Shmi, Threepio, Ben, Padme, and Qui-gon. I put out Vader to the Naboo site for Battle Plan. I eventually get some walkers together and put down Maul and kill some stuff. I had something like 40 power. I keep running afterward. His ship detaches off the Executor and then battles. That’s pretty much game. I win by 22.
FW 6(+49)
Highlights: Winning, overpowering him every battle
Lowlights: Getting stuff Revo’d (I got like 11 force a turn) and running away on the ground

Wayne lost...

Game 6: My LS Vs. Frank Walsh’s (1790) TDIGWATT
He starts IAO combo, Mob Points, I’m Sorry, and Crush the Rebellion. I get out my usual and get Don’t Do That Again to cancel Mob Points (again...). I set up with Gungans and he gets out a whole bunch of sites. I put EPP Qui-gon to Chasm Walkway. He puts out Stinger to Bespin, pulls Executor, deploys it for free with the effect, and puts out Xizor and Janus to sites to set up Occupation. I beat up Xizor on my turn with EPP Leia and R3 Lando. He loses 8 overflow from that. I evenutally kill Janus too. I am draining for 2 and he is draining for 1 but sometimes hits me with occupation/drain damage. I get out EPP Luke to the CC Docking Bay. I cancel Occupation with Endor Celebration (grabbed). He has EPP Maul out and moves over to Qui-gon’s site and I sorry about the mess him. I abuse my Resiliences to keep getting guys back. The Emperor and Thrawn come out to set up another occupation. I kill them off but have no characters left in hand.I win the race and I can’t retrieve but he loses 6. I get out EPP Han to Chasm walkway and I drain him out. I win by 27.
FW 8(+76)
Highlights: Another win, getting early damage with battle against Xizor
Lowlights: Not getting any retrieval off.

Wayne won against Ewoks.

Well when I left, it was Chu in first, Gemme in 2nd, and I think maybe Praskac, Gogolen, and Gianetti (maybe not in that order though)? I think I got 6th (out of 36). I got some decent prize stuff like foil Alter and IG-88 with gun. I don’t know who won the final confrontation.

I had a good time but I’m on the verge of falling asleep right now. I missed sleep for nothing since Sam didn’t even come. Oh well, he was very out of it I think.
On the way home I called Sam and he said something like "I woke up and couldn’t move"

Wayne and his step-dad for the ride
Wayne for the cards
Chu and Gemme for qualifying for worlds
Me for going 4-2 after going 1-3 at the last tournament
Wayne for the cards
The guy who gave me my dark deck idea, thanks (kept anonymous in case he wants to use the deck)
Andrew Flynn for giving me a card i needed
My opponents for being cool guys and fun to play against

Wayne for going 1-5, what was that...
Sam for making me stay up late
Sam for going out and not being able to wake up and stuff

- Chris "wedge231" Wo@#$%a