
Title: mrobs-coruscant-regionals-5-26
Author: Michael "Bobafett465" Robinson
Date: May 27, 2002

MROB’s Regionals Tourney

*****Pre-Tourney Jank*****

Alright so I had been preparing for Coruscant Regionals for a while now, a had been thinking what decks I wanted to play. I didn’t want to play a dark deck that was basic and had no tech, (like John Terkovich’s Huntdown J) so I decided to a new age version of Retardosaurus ISB, with Tat Maul to kill QMC and WYS air, as well as any deck whose only air was Han, Chewie and the Falcon (which a lot of decks) . For light, I stuck with my LSC w/ racing, since it hadn’t failed me yet, and the only decks which I would have a problem with would really be DS Senate Beats, and Big Drains like Dark Deal and Garrison. So I spent my night til 2 am tweaking and changing my decks to work.
So I set up our rides in advance, I would drive my friend John Terkovich to Dark Tower Games in Denville for Regionals. We were the first ones there, Vikram Bali showed up a little later, and we exchanged some cards. Soon the place was full, people from Albany, Syracuse, Pittsburgh, and the far reaches of Coruscant. (Ric Olie is right, its just one big city). My old buds from Manga, “Taco” Bill Kafer and Ted Panczysyn, and well as out director Tom H-K, and Greg Shaw showed up as well. Ted made an interesting entrance when someone said, where the hell the I put my d shields on the card lists, and a voice from the door said ,” on the back you dumbass!” Ha ha. That’s Ted. Bill and Greg just came from LotR regionals, and had some stuff to talk about. The Twiggs, Hayes Hunter, and Chris Wo@#$%a also showed up, Hayes and Wo@#$%a I had only known through there Decktech persona. Chris Gogolen also was there, Johnny Chu (who we had the pleasure of teaching Fluxx to) and Michael “Deck” Gemme. What a crowd. We needed 40 people to play 8 games, but we only had 36 so I was a little disappointed, but hey, what are you gonna do.

*****Pre-Tourney Antics*****

Before the tourney even started, we had to fill out our list of course, so I sat there scrambling to appease the mighty TR by putting the cards In order of how I wrote them, instead of just writing them of the top of my head like I usually do. Doh. So I did that for my Dark list, but forgot to do it for my light. Doh again. My light deck was named “She can’t do that- shoot her or..or something!” because I love that line from Epi2 ( I was considering “This party’s over” but maybe that was better) and my dark deck what I’ve named it every Regionals and States for the last 3 years.” This deck is getting worse all the time.” I went off the play Fluxx with Chu, Doug Ellwanger and some others. When it came time to hand in lists, I hadn’t fixed my Light card order. To make a long story short, Tom didn’t want to read my decks so he just said I’ll, just DQ you if there wrong. What a guy. He also said he’d fill out my command card for me. I know what a great guy right? You’ll see later.
Some of the guys were playing LotR beforehand, so I watched some decent games. My main man Dalton showed up, to tell us all he had won LotR regionals. Holy Crap. Ha ha . Well he told us about how his Hobbit deck ate everyone else for breakfast, yadda yadda. Hayes and some others were having a Bridge of Khazad Dum card throwing contest whose only result was hitting Wo@#$%a in the head. Doh x3. Well finally we got herded into one side of the room so that Tom H-K could call us 2 by 2 into the non-carpeted area of the room, in a tone connoting cows being led to the slaughter. It was quite reminiscent of this coincidentally. There were some good parings first round, however I was mainly concerned with myself. Finally I was called, Mike Robinson versus Mike Gemme. No big deal right?

Game 1: LS Combat v. Michael “Deck” Gemme’s DS Senate

I would have had more confidence had I not looked at my command card. You see, whenever I saw Mike’s name on Decktech, I had always pronounced it Gemme with a hard G a no pronunciation of the E on the end. However, Tom had said Mike Gemme pronounced Jemmy , so I had no idea who I was playing til it was too late. The whole tourney I wondered who he reminded me of, then eventually I saw he was incredibly reminiscent both physically and socially like Jimmy Fallon. Ha ha. Anyway, I started my race and combat stuff, and goo nee tay, he started senate stuff and naboo, as well as first strike, IAO plans, and I think combat response. Hmmmm.
I get down Qui gon to the generator and end my turn. He gets the baron and saber 1 to naboo. He filps with lott dod and either tikkes or toonbuck, cant remember which. He gets down this is outrageous, federation control and another one. He’s adding 2 to his drain at naboo and I cant take this very much longer, hoping for a battle. I get NO escape cards in my hand , I play 2 barriers 2 it’s a trap, 1 blast the door and 1 dodge didn’t get ONE of the them HORSE@#$%. So he gets down EPP Maul and I start feeling the pain, he swings, hits, kills qui. I think there was a repeat of that battle later, but the same result. The force drain of 4 at naboo constantly and toonbuck popping cards off the top was bad. He made a nice finish, with a limited resources and and toonbuck to win by 22.

FL –22
0 (-22)

High- playing Mike, a great guy, and having my picture immortalized in blue pen by his friend who sketched the game.

Lows- nothing really, believe it or not I like being able to lose the first game so I can work my way back up with guys with lower differentials.

Game 2: DS ISB Big Blue v. Aaron Northrup’s AITC Chandra-fan’s.

Well, I saw he was playing AITC, and I was a bit curious, but he noticed he was missing a card or something and 5-7 minutes later we started. He started Uh-oh!, Insurrection combo I think, and something else. I started SSPFT, IAO/Splans, and Mob Pts. I start my normal set up, get Piett and Merrejk to the Executor DB, and end my turn. He sets up like a mofo. Tessek to the AC, and Bo Shuda, and Palace raiders, skiffs, and fans to jundland wastes, and hutt trade route. I get 5D6-RA-7 to his DB, in hopes of lowering drains , but after one turn we both forgot that underworld contacts keeps his drains from being modified. Doh doh.
I get set up in the air, draining for 7 a turn at Fondor , Endor, Sullust and Naboo. But he getting me for 10 with 3 at the cantina, 3 at the wastes, 2 at the hutt trade route 2 at the DB and 2 at somewhere else. So eventually I get owrn down and he gets the game by 11. I was kind of upset since it wasn’t a real interactive game, however it was a god game, and he said that even Twigg was caught by surprise the first time he saw it. Anyway, I will have to win the next 4 games in a row to accomplish my goal of a winning record.

FL – 11
0 (-33)

Highs- playing a cool guy, with a cool deck.

Lows- its AITC! Ha ha.

Game 3: LS Combat v. Kelly Krieble’s Dark Deal Destroyers

Kelly is a cool guy, and we end up playing almost every tournament. I was distressed upon seeing the Dark Deal objective, because this deck has a problem with the big drain decks. Anyway, we get started, and I get my normal start, he starts the usual Mob Pts. / YCHF, IAO splans, and 2 other effects. I get mace and yoda to the core and gen to start draining. He gets emperor to the west gallery, and executor with thrawn at bespin with they must never again leave this city. I’m getting 4 on him a turn, but hes setting up dark deal with the EV-9D9 stuff as the incinerator. ( he adds one to force drains for ever droid there) I’m not happy about that, so I wait. He gets vader w/ to the incinerator, and some destroyers down, sets up dark deal and occupation , flips. I keep draining, lose my own frickin podrace cuz he had his own pod. Doh-oh. On his turn I cancel occupation with Free ride combo and lose 5 to the incinerator drain. I play vergence and hold it down. I keep draining for four a turn, he gets two destroyers down to the upper walkway, and that’s a drain of 3. well I get luke epp down there, with a resilience and houjix in my hand, initiate , swing hit one destroyer, and draw a 4 for destiny and clear the site, resilience the luke. He cant stand for the constant drain of four so he tracks an Oh, Switch off and caps yoda with Iggy. Mace keeps draining , but I need a battle to win. So there’s a repeat performance of luke of cloud city against p-59, there was some overflow and that was game. Win by 10.

FW +10
2 (-23)

Highs- playing Kelly, hes a cool guy all around.

Lows- losing Yoda at the end there.

Well, The tourney is half over, and I have to win the next three to accomplish my goal. By this time I have gone to lunch at this really good pizza place next door. I also watched a good game of LotR between Dalton and Hunter, that was cool. Hayes practically butchered his deck with pretty pictures, but it was funny to see. We play some games of Fluxx, and we prepare for the next half of the Regional.

Game 4: DS ISB Big Blue v. Billy Beuhler’s (sp?) LS HB-less HB

Well Bill was a cool guy, we had seen each other on several occasion at Manga tournaments. He was playing a deck similar to Hidden Base, yet there was no Hidden base. He started the two pilot-ship puller effects, and something else. I set up as usual, with Piett and Merrejk to the DB, pulling admirals and getting ships down to Naboo, Sullust and Endor. He put down Kessel, but I managed to convert it. He managed to Revo it . Doh ^5. I stack up then spread out, get Chrianeau down, I am now draining for about 9 a turn. He’s draining me for one at the Anoat <>forest with EPP quigon and padme, and for 3 at Revoed Anoat because of Lieutenant Lepira. My drains greatly outnumbered his, and his inability to get out han with the falcon slowed him down. Evetually, with no battles, I drained him out for a win by 17.

FW +17
4 (-6)

Highs- playing a cool guy, showing the deck can work like a machine.

Lows- having no battles the whole game.

Game 5: DS ISB Big Blue v. Ted Panczyszyn’s LS Combat

Ted is the man. We have played several games in the past, not one I can remember went into double digit differential. I do remember 3 years ago , the last time they had regionals , Ted, wearing his squadron member shirt like always, and slightly longer hair, proclaiming that he had to use 9 force to deploy a TIE fighter, due to a blown away death star and down with the emperor. This was followed by a roar of laughter from the 70 plus guys in the church in cedar grove. Three years later, Decipher has lost the license and theres slightly less people, but now I know Ted and it’s a good time to play SW.
Onto the game. He gets setup quick with Obi wan JK and Qui gon to the core and gen, I set up as usual, start setting up air, get 5D6-RA-7 to the naboo <> DB. I flipped with 2 ORSs, Evax and Merrejk, and was subtracting his drains. He had a 7 on the fish since the start, so I wasn’t looking to battle. After exchanging drains, he gets HC%F to Fondor. I had Executor with Evax, Piett, Merrejk and an ORS at Sullust and Bossk in HT and Zuckuss in MH at Endor.He moves to Naboo, I set up smack with devastator, chimaera and thrawn, but he in can waits the chimaera. CRAP. O well, he moves to fondor where the devastator is, but the game ends there as he “snoozes” and forgets to pay falcon upkeep. I know how much that sucks as I have never remembered to pay upkeep ever and have never kept them on table for more than a turn.
After that, I was able to drain freely, despite all game having to pay to drain. Now that he had to pay too, it became a drain race of who could have 3 force left the longest. Well eventually he whittled me down to 4 force before he drew up.

FW +4
6 (-2)

Highs- playing Ted, always a pleasure.

Lows- not making him pay 9 force for a TIE fighter

Game 6: LS Combat v. Ted Panczyszyn’s AotBS/AAT/Droidekas

We heard the pairings and we both freaked out. I mean what the hell. O well. We had played this exact same match-up last tournament, and it was supremely close. I start my normal stuff, he gets down coruscant SB and moves xizor over, flips. I get qui gon down to the gen, and ive got obi, luke and gift in my hand, but I wont commit to a site because of what happened last game. He stacked up tanks at naboo DB, than dropped empy , made me flips and I can drain. So I kept them in my hand. He got bad feeling down and presence on the DB and im losing 2 from drains there, 2 from drains at kiffex, and 1 from obj. I put obi jk down to the core, and now im draining for 4. it goes back and forth. I put yoda down to coruscant DB, drain once, move to naboo and move qui gon with him. He puts down 4 lom with program trap, initiates, I draw 5 for destiny, everybody dies to the trap. I get qui back down to the gen, and he moves p59 and xizor and guri to luke JK’s site (the core). I get down HC&F down, 1 turn of drains, than he makes me lose him for not paying the upkeep. That’s the biggest doh of the tourney. Revenge is sweet though. I put down new lando with luke and battle. I get ok destiny, so I lose luke and lando moves away. I put down luke epp and move lando back over. He battles, I retrieve the 7 on top of lost pile, but guri still limits my destiny. This battles better, I out power him and he loses guri. I lose lando. Next turn I drop obi jk and battle, he loses a droid and I lose luke. That leaves p59 and xizor We exchange more drains, and I death touch the droid. I battle xizor, and after that we keep draining til I manage to squeeze this one out like giving birth to a watermelon…….tree.

FW +4
8 (+2)

Highs- accomplishing my goal of a winning record

Lows- HC&F revenge

Well I managed fulfill my goal , going 4-2 with a weak diff, but hey, I guess I did alright. My friends doug and john terk went 2-4, and we played more Fluxx , what a great game. They continued to play while I went to go see the final confrontation between Johnny Chu and Michael Gemme. Those were two good games, but I had to leave before they were done. O well.
So I take 12th place of 36, so you gotta be happy bout that. It was a great tournament and I has a lot of fun.

Now its time for props and slops

- to Tom H-K for running a good tourney
- to Dalton for winning LotR
- to Hayes, for drawing cool pics on his LotR cards
- to the Twiggs, for showing up and making things more humorous
- to team I Bent My Wookie for having a cool name
- to Ted, for doing good Jar jar impression and being Ted.
- to Dark Tower Games, for the accommodations and the Pepsis
- to the pizza place next door
- to Gemme, for being Jimmy Fallon and being a class-act
- to Lingrell for mooching tournament foils
- to Chu, for showing up and kicking ass
- to Han Chewie and the Falcon for winning me a game
- to WotC for making a mockery version of SW
- to Han Chewie and the falcon for almost losing me a game

Well that’s all, it was a great tourney, I hope everyone makes it to locals in Denville over the summer, and good luck to everyone going to GenCOn and Origins, sorry I can’t make it. Hope youve enjoyed this TR.

Michael Robinson
12th place (woohoo)
Coruscant Regionals