Fallen Portals Please Review

Title: Fallen Portals Please Review
Author: Jason "jade" Foss
Date: Sep 14, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting Hidden Base Randeveus Point Heading For the medical frigate Innsurection Staging areas squadron @#$%ingnments

Systems[6] Corascant Kessel Sullust Yavin 4[2] Mon Calamarie

Locations[2] Spaceport Docking Bay[2]

Characters Jedi Luke[3] Obi wan Kenobie[3] Orimarco Leia with Blaster Han With Blaster Boush General lando Wedge Red Squadron Leader Nien Numb Colonel Cracken Liutenant Blount Ten Numb Melas Chewie With Blaster Tycho

Ships Home One Gold Squadron one Red Squadron One Green Squadron one Tala 1 Tala 2 Blue Squadron 5 Green Squadron 3

Interupts Fallen Portal[4] Sence[3] Alter[2]

Effects Battle Plan Honor Of THe Jedi

Whepons[ Obis Saber[2] Luke Saber[2] Landing Claw[2]

Admiral Order[3] I’ll take the leader[2] ‘

Strategy: ‘

General Strategy You start Hidden base first turn get either corascant or kessel and deploy a docking bay there do the same next turn.try to get people to the docking bays so you can activate lot’s of force.When it is all set up tou should have a good hold on corascant and kessel plus there docking bays with ill’ take the leader out and hidden base fipped [witch is why the other systems are in here nobody in my area plays security precations] you will be draining for at least 10 [12 if you have sabers].If they try to come beat you up use fallen portal and kill there characters. ‘