The Great Hoth Clouds Drainer EBO Deck

Title: The Great Hoth Clouds Drainer EBO Deck
Author: Dennis "Denethor" Jeffris
Date: Apr 23, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (4)

Power Generators

North Ridge



Locations (10)




Echo War Room

Echo Docking Bay

Echo Corridor

Clouds x4

Characters (21)

Tibanna Gas Miner x4

Kebyc x2



Dash Rendar

Mirax Terrick

Wedge Antilles RSL

General Calrissian

Tycho Celchu

Green Leader

Jek Porkins

Colonel Cracken


Kin Kian

Corran Horn

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight


Starships (12)

Gold Leader in Gold 1

Red Leader in Red 1

Red 6

Red Squadron 1

Millenium Falcon


Pulsar Skate

Green Squadron 1

Green Squadron 3

Tala 1

Gold 2

Gray Squadron 1

Effects (3)


Squadron Assignments

Echo Base Ops

Admirals Orders (2)

I’ll Take The Leader x2

Interrupts (7)

It Could Be Worse

Nar Shadda Wind Chimes combo

Tunnel Vision x5 ‘

Strategy: ‘

—note Tibanna Gas Miners are not cumulative. Deploy only 1 at a time, or more to avoid monnock.—

Before I get started, I will explain that EBO is NOT the big part of this deck. It’s more of a side note against ground decks. Now here we go.

I noticed that almost no one plays with clouds anymore. I don’t see why not, because they ROCK BIG TIME with rebel starfighters. Here’s how you play it

1st Turn Yank Echo Commander Center and the Echo Docking Bay. Deploy TK-422 or Boussh, if possible, if they get a really quick drain going. Do not draw, unless you don’t have any tunnel visions in your hand.

2nd turn Yank out Hoth, deploy it, and any clouds you have in your hand. Deploy Tibanna Gas Miners and/or Kebyc. Use tunnel vision if you need a card (make sure you have a large force pile)

3rd turn Pull out EBO and Echo Corridor if you have 3 characters to get it going. Otherwise, yank out Sullust or Kashyyyk. Deploy more clouds, make sure you have 3 tibanna gas miners on table and 1 kebyc. Deploy squadron assignments (or look for it with a large force pile) and deploy it. Save the force.

4th turn Yank out a system. Deploy all effects / admirals orders / etc. By now you will probably have 2/3 tibanna miners and kebyc out. deploy some ships to the clouds (1 at each).

For the rest of the game, drain away If you have Leia out and Reflection, retrieve the 1 force every turn (you have plenty of force). Remember to drain at your Echo sites w/ the clouds’ game text, and to add to the drain with miners, and to add to the drain with Kian, and to add to the docking bay drain w/ I’ll Take The Leader. And if you’re not opposed in space, deploy some ships to Sullust and Kashyyyk (try to get Outrider to Sullust so you can have a net worth of 12 power). Also, if you can, get Wedge RSL with another Red ship or Corran Horn. He rules like that. Remember your power is +3 everywhere. Remember you can drain for a maximum of 20 every turn, relatively quick. And 7 of that from Reserve w/ Kebyc and Kian at a cloud sector. This rules, really. ‘