Tatooine B/O

Title: Tatooine B/O
Author: Leonard "Master Yoda" Mitchell
Date: Jan 13, 2000 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations (7) Tatooine Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber Tatooine Cantina Tatooine Jabba’s Palace Tatooine Jundland Wastes Tatooine Lars’ Moisture Farm Tatooine Mos Eisley

Characters (15) Boelo Dr. Evazan x2 J’Quille Jabba the Hutt Mara Jade Wuher ECC 4-LOM ECC IG-88 Commander Igar Darth Vader Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith x2 Grand Moff Tarkin x2

Creatures (1) Bubo

Vehicles (3) Dune Walker Tempest 1 Flare-S Racing Swoop

Starships (5) Bossk in Hounds Tooth Executor Zuckuss in Mist Hunter Dengar in Punishing One Boba Fett in Slave I

Interrupts (18) Monnok Sniper x2 You Are Beaten Combat Readiness Twi’lek Advisor x2 Alter x3 Elis Helrot Imperial Barrier x2 Masterful Move Sense x3 Shocking Revelation

Effects (8) Battle Order Disarmed x2 First Strike Resistance Security Precautions Tatooine Occupation There’ll Be Hell To Pay

Weapons (3) Mara Jade’s Lightsaber Vader’s Lightsaber x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

This deck’s normal start will be the Tatooine system, followed by a Combat Readiness for TatJP. This then allows you to pull the JPAC first turn, use it’s GT to pull Mara from the reserve deck and deploy her and her saber for a sweet Force drain of two on the second turn. Mara’s ability and immunity to attrition means she’ll stay around for awhile, and having her out early allows the DS to start Sensing and Altering things if necessary. The Tat/TatJP start gives the DS 5 Force to start, so you can get Mara out first turn every game (with her saber if your opponent gives you only one Force) unless the opponent plays Goo Nee Tay. Now, if the opponent also starts a Tat. location, Combat Readiness for Mos Eisley so that you won’t have your TJP converted. But if they play an objective like the new EJP one, remember that they have to resolve their objective first (i.e. deploy their JP sites) before you play your starting interrupt. Therefore you’ll convert both of their sites before the game even begins. The Cantina, JW, and LMF all give the Dark side a drain of two, and Mos Eisley gives some much needed Force as well as provides a great way to stop the Cantina Shuffle.

Most characters in the deck were selected either for their power or the ability to make uneven battles in the Dark side’s favor. A first turn Mara is ideal, Boelo protects the AC or hangs with Jabba to cancel battle destinies, and Dr. Evazan can go crazy by operating on Disarmed or ‘hit’ characters. NOTE TO PLAYERS Dr. E can only operate on JUST hit or JUST disarmed characters. This was revised back in SE. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen this misplayed. Ok, Jabba is ability 4, can tag-team with Boelo, and activates Force if he’s chilling at the AC. J’Quille is awesome because he’s a spy and he’ll be your dude for excluding those Insurrection-pumped Rebel pilots or Chewie w/ Gun. Wuher and Sniper are your anti-Gift tech. Just don’t forget that he’ll clean out Mara’s and Vader’s Sabers too, so watch it. ECC 4-LOM and IG-88 rock, so that’s why they’re in. IG-88 is smooth against the new EJP objective because he can flip it back real quick by capturing Han again. Don’t forget that he can cause some real damage by capturing a high ability main with a tracked destiny. Sniper used in conjunction with ECC 4-LOM rocks. Igar is HUGE on his walkers and Vader/Tarkin is your standard drop-strike.

Bubo is obviously awesome against Undercover spies and other things, but don’t forget that with the new creature rules, he can just sit at TJP and prevent any droid from getting into the AC to Gift (characters are prevented from using their landspeed when he’s at a JP site). Another fun trick is to use Bubo in your strike team by having him first eat a guy, then use your other cards to exclude/operate/remove other characters and wail on a lone LS guy.

Swoops are awesome with Barriers, Disarmeds, and Snipers. Get Vader/Tarkin or Vader/Evazan on for some nice fun. The two walkers are for Igar and additional beatdown. Vehicles will also prevent Lost In The Wilderness from ruining your day.

The five ships are for controlling Tatooine and setting up a Occupation if necessary, or for creating havoc somewhere else. Just a couple ships stacked up a Tat. will make the opponent think twice about coming there. Don’t forget about the power bonus that they give to Tatooine sites too. Also, the Executor and BinB can shuttle guys up if you need to bring up Vader/Tarkin or Jabba/Boelo.

All of the interrupts really don’t need much explanation. Monnok is good, Sniper is versatile (will help eliminate key characters too), and YAB is sweet because it cancels Uncontrollable Fury and excludes someone from battle. Sense and Alter allow your interrupts to get through and cancels all the LS’s bothersome tricks (Harvest, On/OffTE, Suprise Assault, Bacta Tank, Savrip, Sabacc, Someone Who Loves You, Hyper Escape, etc.). Barriers prevent beatdowns and helps set up Disarmeds or Snipers, Masterful Move is a fun, trackable six, and Shocking Rev will beat Oola and provide you with another trackable destiny.

All of the effects are standard. Use Disarmeds to wipe out EPPs and remember that the Occupation is only to be setup IF it can be defended. This deck is not all about Occupation; it’s about battling too (hence only one Occupation).

Vader’s saber goes on Vader and Mara’s Saber goes on Mara. ) Get it first turn if you can because the drain of two is great and it’ll make the LS think twice before dropping somebody early.

Please give me any and all feedback you can. This deck can’t become better without your help. Do you think the Force generation is enough? Are the characters capable of a beatdown? Do you feel I need more ships? Whatever you’re thinking, please let me know. What themes don’t you agree with? What cards should come out? Stuff like that. I look forward to hearing from you. )