
Title: hegans-field-of-dreams-milwaukee-wi
Author: Bryan "DMX" Prittie
Date: Nov 18, 2000

The Date: 11/18/00
The Place: Hegan’s Field Of Dreams [Milwaukee]
Start Time: 12pm [noon]
TD: Erick Butzlaff
Rating prior to Tourny: 1772

[pre-tourny worthless crap worth nothing at all except the joy of typing more.........]

I’ve been hearing about this tournament on the WI-SWCCG listserve for a while. And I decided I NEED to go, one SMALL problem, I can’t drive.........so Tom’s dad needs to....so his dad hooks us up w/ a ride in "the mini-van"...anyways, not much testing really done for this tournament. I was using a solid, standard BHBM and it was currently like 15-0 in playtesting for a while, but something in my head was telling me Hunt Down on Friday night. So I build a HD/Dueler using Endor for "speed" flip with nice destinies. I NEVER TESTED IT PRIOR TO THE TOURNY....more on that later......For light, I’ve been using different versions of Agents in the Court, so I decided on this Palace Raiders/Patrol Craft/Sandspeeder deck that I thought would at LEAST go 2-1. So Saturday rolls around, and Ty can’t come cuz his mom is being her usual self......a B!TCH. So we leave at like 11am, and the rest is boring news.............we get their at 11:35am, and Erick Butzlaff walks up and gives me a "Hell yeah" cuz I made it and we get started ACTUALLY PRETTY CLOSE TO THE START TIME.


DS - HuntDown/Dueling/SAC/ - starting IAO, Mob. Points, and Crush the Rebellion w/ I Have You Now and Evaders to make Vader a 1 man army! Sweet destinies too!

LS - AgentsInTheCourt/SandSpeeders/Palace Raiders + Patrol Crafts - starting Aim High (anti-scum, Uh-oh, and Wise Advice, can lay the beats USUALLY

[tournament time....games happen NOW]

Game 1

My DS vs. Dan Waier HB Matching Pilots [1390]
This game went pretty fast. I have no Vaders in hand, 2nd turn, look for I Have You Now, and see that there’s a Vader in my force pile, so I draw up. Meanwhile, he is pulling systems from deck and getting pilots + their matching ships out and pinging away at me for 1 at a couple places, while I have Vader + saber at Endor:DB, Palpy + Sim Aloo + Janus at Back Door [flipped obj.] with S&D out. He once deployed Luke Skywalker [Premiere] on R2inR5 at the DB, big mistake....next turn, I battle, and play I Have You Now for 3 destiny, a tracked 7, and un-tracked 4, and 1. Darth Vader [premiere] adds 1 to each so my total is 15 in destiny + Vader = 21 power so he loses Luke + a lot. The game was shortly over after that.


The Good: Winning, Crush the Rebellion is smooth!
The Bad: Not probing the BASE!
The Ugly: premiere Luke beatdown

Game 2

My LS vs. Paul ’Vollerian’ Motz BHBM [1890]
It seems that nearly everyone there was using Emperor’s Power and trying to cross Luke, wtf? He starts IAO, Mob. Points, and OP. I start the usual and the game begins. He looks for a DB, gets one, and tells me [frustrated] that BOTH Palpy’s are in his force pile, so he deploys Mara to the Desert site and it’s my turn. Activate....draw. He goes, activates, drains, gets a DB, gets Palpy, and gets Emperor’s Power. I go, deploy Bargaining Table and Sandwhirl to the Desert (he moved Mara to the Jundland Wastes I deployed, smart move) and Raider + Patrol Craft come down. Well, this was prolly my longest game of the day. Let me sum it up now the best I can. We both ping away at each other with drains. He is barely draining me for any cuz of Bo Shuda at the AC with Tessek sittin there (increasing my drains). He MISSED on the Sniper to Tessek, and basically, in battles, and duel damage (where is Honor?) he beats me out in a close hard fought, fun game....

FL -6

The Good: Keeping it close and havin a good game against a High-rated player
The Bad: Not winning, not retrieving with Nar Shadda when I thought I tracked low enuff
The Ugly: his SAC, he sensed and altered everything

Game 3

My DS vs. ????? [I have it on a sheet somewhere, I looked up his name, he is not rated, so 1500] w/ R. Point start using Signal for Squassin
This game is over real fast....seriously, in like 5 minutes. Lord Vader to back door on turn 2, with his stick. Presence of the Force their next turn, untouched drain of 4 for the rest of the game while Visage + S&D (Palpy, Janus, Sim at the Endor:DB [untouched drain of 2]) do him in, we battled a little in space, that’s why I call it speed Hunt Down!


The Good: Speed Hunt Down!
The Bad: nothin’
The Ugly: drain of 4 on turn 3 at Vader’s site while flipped!

Game 4

My LS vs. Justin Lang SYCFA w/ MEGA-Space Drain (x15 Imperial Command) [1747]
No, he really doesn’t have 15, just 6! I saw him deploy space and I knew it was a drain race, and it looked like we were gonna be wearin each other down pretty thin. I had control of 2 Tatooine sites w/ Ben + Saber + Raider in Craft at 1, and at the 2nd, Jedi Luke + Saber + Raider in Craft, while Tessek sat at the AC protected by Bo Shuda. Things looked to be going my way, until he deployed it.......it......it, the PRETTY FU.CKIN HATE MAHCINE.....IMPERIAL DECREE. He sat DVDLOTS at Coruscant:DB (+8 to transit there), so I was screwed, his deck was THE MACHINE 2K.

FL -19 (I think)

The Good: good start
The Bad: Imperial Command x6
The Ugly: Imp. Decree + space + Coruscant:DB = i’m screwed

Game 5

My DS vs. Jonathan Grubb New Age Throne Room [1889]
This game is kinda dull. We both start with sh!t for force. I get Vader out like turn 5......bah! and he gets Madine out. He cancelled Visage 1st turn w/ a Bothan and spread at my Executor sites to drain....I fish for CHYBC, but can’t find it....I spread out, and start draining, he brings some scouts at me, but they bite the dust, and when the smoke cleared, Vader was at the DB with PotF + his stick draining for 3, and Palpy at the Back Door. CHYBC! was out and he couldn’t do anything. I Have You Now was used. My cool move was when I initiated battle where I had Vader and he had Madine and Corporal Kensaric. I choked Kensaric, missed, played YAB on him (you’ll see why), and swung at Madine (hit), and played I Have You Now, drawing a tracked 7, and an un-tracked 1. He loses a lot from that (12 I think). It was over once CHYBC! was out.


The Good: Beating a high-rated player
The Bad: none
The Ugly: CHYBC! came out way too late

Well, unfortunately we (Tom & I) had to drop cuz Tom’s dad came to pick us up, but Erick said the ratings still get updated. I will go up, hopefully to my goal of 1800s. This might be my last tourny in a while cuz of Snowboarding and Varsity High School Hockey. But I will still play, and buy Reflections II. I think I could’ve won my last game at the 3-2 table pretty easily, my LS was lookin for revenge. Tom went 2-3, but prolly would’ve won his last game, cuz his dark is pretty good.

Sorry I didn’t find out the placings. Not my fault! Dropping wasn’t my choice!


"Smoke Weed EveryDAY"

Hope ya enjoyed the read,
Bryan ’DMX’ P