
Title: how-to-be-a-scrub-huntsville-al-1-6-00
Author: Tom "Gand" Culpepper
Date: Jan 7, 2001

Today’s decks are HDADTJ and Rescue the Princess. Why the hell am I playing RTP? I am playing it because it only lost by me making mistakes(one in card tracking, one in deployment choice). Damn I hate making mistakes to lose games.

Once again there are several new players here today, as well as Clint Hays who drove down again. Andy is going for #4 I think. He is trying to win 10 in a row, so I will let him post final results later in the week(oohhh... suspense)

Game 1: My HDADTJ vs a new kid... never caught his name. He is playing RTP(goal is to blow up the death star once the princess is gone) and I am told Clint played RTP today too... where did all this come from?

Game starts out rather interesting, I put out standard Mob Points, IAO, Crush. He deploys Draw Thier Fire and Staging areas... no insurrection. I decide to play a little cautiously and only deploy a 1/0 db from reserve and convert his Death* DB from hand, I also pull out Rendalli with Mob points, but don’t deploy it yet. No first hand Vader in spite of playing 6 of him, so I just draw getting DLOTS, reactor terminal, Janus and Dengar w/blaster... I wanted Search and Destroy, but I knew it was in the deck. On his turn he drops Gospic and 8D8 to Y4 db, then moves them for free(that is a mistake, never deploy ability with 8D8) and thats all he can do. We both lose to visage and it is my turn again. I am not interested in this going any farther. First I deploy another 1/0 and the system, then I drop DLOTS with a Darth Vaders lightsaber to the Death* db and battle Gospic. Vader chops the poor man about in half and then draws a 6 for destiny. The droid is gone and he has about 5 damage to go along with it. I transit DLOTS to my Executor DB. From this point on I dominate completely. He only deployed a strike force one more time and I overran it with Dengar, Mara and saber and another scrub. He lost his other 8D8 to either Visage or dammage from that battle. He later dropped Luke to a DB and I came to him and dueled. I had tracked a 6-7-6 and had a Focused in hand, although I doubted he had much dueling protection. Luke turned for the first time today. In the end I put my whole hand back and drain/visage him out.

After the game I showed him how my RTP works and I gave him some pointers. He seemed interested and I hope he took at least a little of the advice. I wish him well and I hope he gets to play someone without as strong a deck next time.

FW 2 (+35)

highs: Winning, HDADTJ being completely dominant in at least one game for the second week in a row. Turning Luke over to the Dark Side.

lows: I hate beating the crap out of new players. Not only have I been there before, but I want them to come back... so I hate that I need to blow them out.

lesson: DO NOT put ability with 8D8 untill Leia is free.

Game 2: RTP vs Robert(I think... so bad with names) TDIGWATT.

I had a very good chance to win this game but mistracked my Death Star Plans at least twice and forgot the second reason for one of the cards in my deck. This is where one of today’s errors cost me. He started normal TDIGWATT stuff(a 5 effect start). I start Battle Plan, Insurrection, Staging Areas. He was wary of RTP, but didn’t set up any deterrant force. I flipped fairly quickly, drawing one of two Death Star Plans to free her on the second try. He was in the process of setting up Dark Deal when Leia moved to the War Room. If only I had a brian I would have moved her and her escort(Bron Burs) to the Home One DB and then let Bron go to the CC East platform to help fight. At that point I began dropping characters to Cloud City and fighting off his forces. I killed a bunch of unique characters. At some point during this whole process I mistracked my death star plans and ended up drawing several more cards for it than I needed to draw. He was holding up constant, tiny drains at Cloud City and Bespin... all the while putting me closer and closer to not being able to pay for secret plans. By the time I had restocked my deck with traffic control and got the plans in hand, all of the destinies were higher than I could pay for if I drew any three of them (nothing below a single 4, 5 fives and a couple sixes). With the limited force I was unable to deploy Home One to hold the system and so I went to killing everything on the ground I could get to. He deployed Janus Greejutas to the prison and I followed with Jedi Luke and saber. I made the mistake at a turn earlier of letting protection from Ghhhk leave my hand(Trans Term cancels ANY hologram). Power 8, hit janus, he drew a 2... I drew a 6. Ghhhk. Good move, my mistake killed me, and he drained me out.

FL 2(+22 or so)

Highs: his out of play pile was as big as his lost pile. All totaled I think I killed off 14 unique characters and vehicles.

Lows: mistracked Death Star Plans, badly. Forgetting that a Janus alone is a prime target for Trans Term to cancle Ghhhk.

Lesson: how usefull Trans Term can be. I think I will be playing at least a pair of that combo card. At worst it is a cycling 5 that puts a card out of play.

Game 3: My HDADTJ vs Brian and his soon to be dead Profit
possible themes of this game:
1)how unlucky can Brian be
2)how well can I track a 7

I have seen this deck before when I was playing BHBM, and I know that if I am not aggressive it will beat me pretty easily. He asks if I want to start any aliens(default answer is a resounding NO, but for some reason....) and I drop the two aliens in my deck (Mara and Dengar). In my opening hand I find Mara’s Saber, DLOTS, Darth Vader’s Saber, Blizzard Scout 1, Trample, Focused Attack and Col. Davod Jon. I start out by pulling Rendalli and the Executor DB, deploy Mara’s Saber, save some force and let him go... he cancels Visage before the end of my turn. His first turn he(and second for that matter) deploys a site then he just draws. I deploy DLOTS, Davod and Bliz Scout 1, draw a couple including Sim, a copule of scrubs and a Masterful move. See his turn above. I deploy ZiMH and Bossk in the Bus + a 1/0 site. He Deploys Boussh and Anakin’s Saber, then Oreo to my holotheater, moves Oreo to the meditation chamber. I just drain and draw... looking for a force to repel Boussh and Ori. His turn he drains then deploys Ben, Master Luke to AC and battles. He plays Double agent twice and misses... twice, fails to move Dengar away, he then swings at Dengar and misses. Mara does better hitting Ben while Dengar was still a bit on the nervous side, because he shot up the walls real good.... Dengar did not even bother to aim at the jedi I think(horrid destinies, took his shot first, then second). His destiny clears out Mara though, and I am glad I didn’t play Vader’s Obsession when Luke came down, because in spite of my having a lightsaber we would have tied the duel. My turn I deploy Sim to his other Tatooine site(this is mostly a mains deck, but I am pretty sure he would have deployed them already) consolidate Dengar with Davod Jon. I had a little defense for them. On his turn he breaks Han, retrieves and does little else, he really wants Ben back in his hand. Now he is somewhat ahead of me. My turn I activate, check for a DB(6 destinies, 2 ones, 2 sixes, 2 sevens) and decide to go for it. I move into the AC and duel... he has no action, so we draw. He gets a 3 and a 2, luke w/saber total of 12, I am gaurenteed a draw(throw darth vader’s lightsaber and two ones, total 12). I drew a 6 and 7. The 7 was tracked for the rest of the game. From this point on I pretty much dominated, with Blizzard Scout 1 doing a good bit of the dirty work. The next few turns went like this... Ben returns, broken Lando and a friend go visit Blizzard Scout 1... Lando makes a desperate attempt to stop the foot of the chicken walker with his vibro axe, scout 1 thought it had stepped in gum. Track trample back into hand, rinse, repeat on Ben Kenobi... In the end I drain him out after flushing Ori from the chamber(Leia is unable to battle or drain due to my objective)

FW 4 (+31)

Highs: Winning, not having Mara turned on me, Vader’s son seems to like being with his father today(2 for 2).

Lows: Never getting the Emperor on table, drawing him only for destiny(I HATE THE ULTRA RARE SYSTEM, the new personas are Decipher’s way of admitting that close environment was COMPLETELY unballanced without the two of them being in normal supply), having Boussh at my Holotheater most of the game made it a lot closer than it should have been.

Lesson: I added a couple cool aliens, waitng on one more who shall never be present with Vader... Xizor in hunt down along with Mighty Jabba... cool(btw, LS stuff in R2 SUCKS)

Game 4: My LS vs Brian’s HDADTJ

A rematch, and he has been playing Hunt Down since the release of special edition and I have been playing RTP for around 3 total hours of actual playtime. His turn he deploys the Emperor to the Y4 DB, thinking that will stop 8D8, instead I deploy him to my Home One DB(from reserve) and transit form there. He gets Vader with Tarkin and moves Emperor and 4-LOM all together at the Cantina... a rather unassailable. I had cancled Visage early on, but it came back not long after. I made the mistake of deploying my forces(and including Ben among them) the turn before I wanted to complete Death Star plans. It cost me the game, as I couldn’t pay for secret plans after the loss of Ben and 9 force. If I had not deployed Ben, Death Star Plans was set to bring in 17... that would have allowed me to erradicate the Emperor and his friends.... had force to activate, deploy EPP han, Cok and JPSD Lando. Battle, excluding 4-lom with a tracked Signal and blasting Tarkin with a tracked lift tube escape...then vader with the tracked Lift tube...Empy dies to attrition from the 3 destinies from Han and Cok together along with broken Lando... power is even to begin with, then I get 3 destinies to 1... one might be cancled, but there would be no return for his characters. HDATJ would fall soon after. I had Gambler’s Luck and It’s Not My Fault in hand, so I was prepared to leave Lando, make him immune to attrition, and choose 2 of 3 destinies.

FL 4 (+13 or so)

Highs: I rescued the princess again.

Lows: Ben losing a duel, he would have won if he had had his saber, in spite of 3 destinies to only two.

Learned: Don’t deploy Ben or Luke against HDADTJ untill you kill Vader. Already knew that... but damn I am stupid

I think I am gonna stick with these decks for awhile... I know RTP is worthwhile once I get it how it needs to be. I killed a bunch of uniques today. Putting stuff out of play is AWESOME.

final standings I will leave to Andy.

*The four or so new kids who came to play. I hope they come again soon
*Clay for inviting some fierce competition
*Clint for coming to the tournament
*Hunt Down And Destroy The Jedi for kicking so much @ss
*Sometimes I Amaze Even Myself for kicking so much @ss
*Characters being put out of play
*Visage of the Emperor for trampling Ben and tracking itself so easily in both games
*Mara for not crossing on me
*Dengar for dodging a lightsaber
*me for playing like a champion in the two dark side games

*Death Star Plans for hiding from me in both games
*Dengar for hiding behind a table and trying to shoot jedi
*The Ultra Rare system for being HORRIBLE
*Me for not playtesting the light deck a LOT more
*me for playing like an IDIOT in the two light side games...

hope you enjoyed it.

RTP will win me a tournament, it is incredible.

TUSCALOOSA/BIRMINGHAM AREA TOURNAMENTS COMING SOON (I hope) If you play in the area dmail me and I will keep you updated on our status.