Geospatial Analyst, City Planner

Stephen Skilton is a city planner and geospatial analyst. Stephen is a graduate from the University of Pennsylvania where he earned a Masters in City Planning. His focus has been primarily on data analysis and computer programming using tools such as geographic information systems (GIS), R-Studio (statistics), Python Scripting, and web mapping with Javascript. Stephen has a strong interest finding ways to use open data and software to empower communities to advocate for policies, investment, and informed decision making.

This website contains a variety of past projects and is intended to showcase a variety of tools and areas of analysis in an interactive form. Work samples include past academic exercises and research, as well as work experience. The code used to create this website can be found under Stephen's GitHub account, linked below in the Contact section.

When Stephen isn't working, he can often be found biking around the city to a Meetup event, basement show, or some sort of artist activity. He is currently a proud resident in Philadelphia's Fishtown/Kensington neighborhood.

Blog Section


I've just added a blog section.

I will be periodically updating progress on various projects and work examples going back to 2014.

To see my latest posts, click HERE

Most Recent Blog Posts:


Samples from Past Projects

Billboard Policy Study

Finanical, Market, and Policy Analysis

Visualizing Datasets

CartoDB and Postgres

Python Scripting

Python, Web Scraping, and NumPy

Spatial Statistics


Mumbai Planning Studio

GooglePlaces API

Remote Sensing

Supervised Classification in ArcMap


When you love your job it all doesn't just fit into a forty hour week. I'll often try to work a little extra on the side and volunteer with various events and organizations in the city.

Here's a short list of some of some of the areas where I contributed to projects in the past:

  • Data Mining and API Development in Python
  • GIS Analysis and Cartography using ArcMap
  • Data Visualization and Data Cleaning
  • City Planning and Policy Analysis
  • Document Design with Adobe Creative Suite
  • Web Mapping in Javascript and HTML


Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about my projects, need help with a project of your own, or just want to say 'Hi.' I'd love to hear about whatever it is you and your organization are up to.